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Posts posted by Lkjh

  1. Sympathy, I have made you two sets, but I'm not too happy with them :no:

    My 'trial' of PS ran out and caused me to lose all my brushes, gradient etc. so they kinda suck.

    I will post them, but please don't feel like you have to take them, I will probably have some more time the day after tomorrow for a second try. :wave:


    Sig: http://imgur.com/V4m7B2K

    Avi: http://imgur.com/V4m7B2K


    Sig: http://imgur.com/lenD0oH

    Avi: http://imgur.com/Aomq3Vd

  2. ^^ It's a .jpg but I'm guessing you ment to post a gif?

    Since Adriana is moving I think it will be impossible to simply stretch the background and not show mixed backgrounds.

    If I were you I would group the frames and add a layer mask so you can blend it to the main background as much as possible.

  3. ^^ Haha, I'd like to see that! :laugh:

    Thank you Duch, for all the news! :flower:

    Full Io editorial :)

    539756_405492039545183_401340463_ns.jpg 543636_405492029545184_1433842598_n.jpg 154867_405491992878521_1223952782_n.jpg 282793_405491982878522_1577025799_n.jpg 531743_405491966211857_1933060543_nq.jpg 72606_405491929545194_1703667359_n.jpg 582716_405491916211862_1469030830_n.jpg 563153_405491906211863_280040666_n.jpg

    As for the dresses, how cool she's getting them personally designed!

    I do hope she picks a dress though, because I really dislike the pants/suit-things she's always wearing lately.

  4. So I got some questions on how to make sets with different gifs in one picture, and thought I should share it here.

    Similar tuts have been done before, but not with two gifs so here it comes :hehe:

    First of all, I’m starting off this explanation by assuming you know how to make an animated gif. If not, this should help you out.

    After you’ve made the ‘normal’ gif, change the canvas size to make room for the other gif.

    [ Alt=Ctrl=C]


    After doing this, make sure you’ve sharpened the frames if you’re using a sharpening-action, because if you start moving the frames (next step) the action won’t function anymore.

    Usually, the gif doesn’t ‘start at the begging’ at the first frame of your timeline, so make sure to drag frames that aren’t in the right position (aka before the ‘first’ frame) back to the end of the animation.


    In this case the animation starts halfway through, so I’m selecting the frames that already show Nina swinging and drag them to the end of the row.

    You need to repeat this step with the second (and so on) gif to make sure they will start off at the same time.


    Then I select all the frames and put them in a group, so they will be more easy to move and edit. Also: in this way I can add masks to them and put a background underneath.

    Afterwards, I put a background underneath the group and opened up a new document for the second gif.

    You have to be careful when selecting frames for the second gif. Eventually, this gif has to posses the same amount of gifs the first one does. If the main gif contains 60 frames and the second one thirty, you can copy the timeline to even it up. You can also duplicate each frame after another, but that does causes your second gif to be more ‘slowmotion’ than the first one, so don’t over-do that.

    Once you’re done creating the second gif, click on select all frames > copy frames.

    Move to the ‘main’ gif and also > select all frames > paste frames.


    Then make sure to pick the option of pasting OVER selection.


    Now group the layers like you did the first time, this will make moving/editing easier.

    You can now start editing the gif more if that's what you want :)


    Resulting in:

    These are the basics of putting two gifs in one, but for more advanced options and editing you can always ask :wave:

    After the weekend :ninja:

  5. No problem :hug:

    Like I said, I didn't expect her to join in, she hadn't disapeared.

    Plenty of great gals left! :)

    Although I do wonder if SI is going to reveal some more bigger names (not to any less of the girls confirmed) last minute.

    It's a big issue after all.

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