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Stella Ukraina

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Everything posted by Stella Ukraina

  1. I do not believe it was all smooth
  2. as said my best friend if Iker marry Sara, I stop being his fan, but sure I will do likewise
  3. Iker and Sara targetpress.photoshelter.com/gallery/101210-011469-ALF-SARA-CARBONERO-AND-IKER-LOVELY-AT-40-PRINCIPALES-GALA/G0000KVmJYXWnRx4
  4. if you know that then i am Sara Carbonero his girlfriend... so then I Cristiano Ronaldo
  5. Your stupid comment on that you know everything that will happend in Ikers life in the future if you know that then i am Sara Carbonero his girlfriend... My Ukrainian friend, a passionate fan of Iker, and wanted to know what to expect in the future and learn
  6. 'saracasillas' yeah right... <_< and what's so funny
  7. Were in this artical dose it say that Sara may be inlove with Cris? i reed it and there is no such hint, it is basically what is written on unmaderista.. Iker fool that loves her and he will very suffer because of these relationships, and the fact that between Sarah and Cristiano was something I believe in it, I hope Iker will consider her true identity and realize that she uses it Aside of you personal bealives of Sara, were does it in the artical that you referr to say specifically Sara has feelings for Crsitiano??? i cant find it... I know it just can not prove Then why are you even nagging about it?? there is no probelm between Iker and SAra, the probelm leys between a idot called Cristiano ( my oppionion) and Iker. They are in a team, in a group you cant love everybody so what if Iker and Cris are not that close...it is totaly normal, i am sure Cris dont get along with a lot of people, liek Sergio, he sleept with Crises exgirlfriend a long time ago...it is life. You misunderstand me, I know, I know everything that happens in the future with Iker
  8. Were in this artical dose it say that Sara may be inlove with Cris? i reed it and there is no such hint, it is basically what is written on unmaderista.. Iker fool that loves her and he will very suffer because of these relationships, and the fact that between Sarah and Cristiano was something I believe in it, I hope Iker will consider her true identity and realize that she uses it Aside of you personal bealives of Sara, were does it in the artical that you referr to say specifically Sara has feelings for Crsitiano??? i cant find it... I know it just can not prove
  9. Were in this artical dose it say that Sara may be inlove with Cris? i reed it and there is no such hint, it is basically what is written on unmaderista.. Iker fool that loves her and he will very suffer because of these relationships, and the fact that between Sarah and Cristiano was something I believe in it, I hope Iker will consider her true identity and realize that she uses it
  10. That is the true face of Sarah, I hope they will soon to part en twitter dicen "de buena fuentE" que el problema entre Ronaldo y Casillas no es por las declaraciones sino que porque Ronaldo "tuvo una salida" (es un decir, ya que aqui pueden ingresar menores de edad), con Sara antes de Casillas entonces Iker esta pichado.
  11. Problemas entre Cristiano Ronaldo, Iker Casillas… y Sara Carbonero Iker have a problem with Cristiano Ronaldo in the vein of Sara Sara may be in love with Ronaldo
  12. That's what I found on the forum Sara and I agree with this Ayer puse un momento que estuve en casa antes de volver a irme el programa de Marytere y uno de los colaboradores dijo que las cosas entre ellos dos no están tan bien como parece. Que en algunos aspectos de pareja hay cierta tirantez y que parece ser que viene por parte de la familia de Sara. Que no todo están maravilloso como parece entre ellos dos. No quisieron especificar de qué hablaban pero lo dejaron caer. No se si será cierto o cuentos chinos de esta gente para tener de qué hablar. Yo comento lo que ví.
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