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  1. Wow viola! Are these sketchings?
  2. older adriana maybelline from foreign mags. enjoy!
  3. From Older Foreign magazines Enjoy!
  4. Older Misc. Adriana Clippings from Victorias secret catalogs
  5. I just got this in the mail today, the Holiday shoes and accessories vol.1 2010 issue a few good adriana shots enjoy!
  6. From the Victorias Secret Catalog sales and specials 2010 issue the cover and the one page featuring adriana enjoy!
  7. thanx im always happy to share my collection
  8. Your welcomes =) Hes an older swim one
  9. Your welcome, and thankyou angelxxx for acknowledging it.
  10. thanx phenobarbie, im not asking for alot Im just sayin dont claim my scans as your own on a website.
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