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Memento Mori

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Everything posted by Memento Mori

  1. More coming tomorrow (buncha HQs)
  2. of course, KB is a classic beauty - a knockout in any era
  3. my grandparents on my mothers side are millionaires, and most of their friends are richer than they are - for instance my grandmother grew up with the owner(s) of the Chicago Blackhawks. Anyway, of the ones I've met most are pretty cool, most made their own money (and therefore have a perspective on things) and most are frugal when buying things that arent really important, ie. house = important, but they still try to save money on like, produce. I do know one guy who is rather wealthy and lives in Newport, he bought a boat, a really nice 50 footer with a huge cabin and bar and all sorts of cool shit...that tops out at 5 knots. My grandfather, a big boater back in the day, looked at me when he told us that and rolled his eyes. Then after we tool around on his slow ass boat for a couple hours (only circling part of the Harbor) we goto the Rhode Island Yacht Club and order food. 99% of the people there are totally normal businessmen relaxing after work, having a drink and talking with friends, just like any other bar, except of course more upscale - this guy orders (he's over 70 and fat) A BOWL FULL OF ONION RINGS FOR DINNER! /slap head. Eh, I've prolly got more stories like these, but theyre all so OT, oh well, that just got me going. Bring on pics.
  4. too airbrushed to ever find out, imho
  5. www.dainews.nu and a couple other sites, one is private invitation only also fansites are good
  6. the way VS does it? kinda, rough and uneven, bad coloration on her photos. marisa's best shots are in SI and she looked her best in the music video she did, imho
  7. she looks rough, her nose could be assaulted by a midget and he'd be obliged to put a flag on top of it as a recognition of his achievement... bad hair, skin isnt-airbrush soft as it often is, the pic also shows how thin her legs are, which is about one step away from unhealthy... again, this is all opinion.
  8. adriana can look downright bad in some of her pics, fellas, you could swear me in and i still would not say that she looks even remotely pretty in this pic: and yes, if pressed i could find more i find equally unflattering Adriana like all models benefits from makeup, Marisa's makeup either hurts or does nothing, because she has a lot of freckles, which I dont happen to mind, but a lot of people hate.
  9. Newsflash: Adriana does not have the same exposure these other people do. She is the ONLY model in the Top 10 (or Top 25 for that matter), that's impressive enough, folks. There are only four models in the Top 50, and six in the entire Top 100. Reason being the larger sample group you get the more the lesser known girls get left out.
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