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Memento Mori

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Posts posted by Memento Mori

  1. On 3/4/2024 at 11:30 AM, Carl Tacoma said:

    Too much work for so little enthusiasm...

    lots of people just visit their favorite model threads and dont check on names they dont know. but keep at it, for a while I was one of the only people posting in the Nicola Cavanis thread and look at it now


    that said, you could improve by putting all these videos behind spoiler tags. do something like this:


    [a still image screenshot of the video goes here]



    [you put the video file here]


    bellazon forum goers generally hate video spam because it makes the threads unreadably long


    that said, these videos are great and the highest resolution storefront stuff Ive ever seen on here

  2. Guys it has nothing to do with "politics," something sports writing has always had, or the swimsuit issue's editorial decisions. I know it isn't the focus of this forum, but SI is a sports magazine that employs (for now) writers who cost actual money to write about sports for the vast majority of their output. It's not a case of investors adding or withdrawing funds based on what body types are featured in the swimsuit issue, but wanting to milk all the value out of a legacy brand.


    Which meant, among other things, Authentic Brands charging a licensing fee to Arena to publish SI. They've been rent-seeking off the brand in other ways, and were accused of already replacing writers with AI, and trying to make a buck off slapping the Sports Illustrated label on supplements and sponsorships.


    It's not dissimilar to what's happening to a lot of newspapers and magazines that don't have swimsuit issues at all. It's a trend in the entire profession, regardless of editorial perspective. If you picture a landlord who stops doing maintenance while raising rents until the tenants can't afford to pay anymore, you're actually pretty close to what's happened to SI.

  3. On 8/9/2016 at 2:49 AM, Memento Mori said:


    People have asked me to rehost these, and for years I didn't have them. But I recently recovered an old hard drive. So here they are, re-encoded in h264 to make uploading them directly here less insane:








    The quality is not great but then these were ripped off of a phone app 7 years ago, so, temper your expectations. 

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