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Everything posted by BarbieErin

  1. thanks Nanda. And your new avi is very sexy. Hum... princess interesting info, thanks.
  2. Leo new cover, Italian magazine Ciak, google translator: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?s...t-di-j-edgar%2F why when I'am on everyone left? <_< I know, because I'am always too late here.
  3. Really kat? I LOVED INCEPTION and I think is very intelligent but not confusing movie if you pay attention enough. It's not trying to explain all the time but like every movie that have an original story have to explain somethings to people don't get lost for the rest of the movie, but at the same time don't tell everything, the story goes along with the movie. Well, but this is my opinion and you have all the right to have your opinion. About Shutter Island, as I read the book first and I really loved the book and it's so much better than the movie, but still Leo did a great job, amazing performance, he for sure deserved a nomination for that. In my opinion he was EVEN more snubbed when he wasn't nominated for RR, that is one of my favorites performances of him, he's was so incridible, I could feel the pain in his eyes, I was shocked on a good way. Even more ridiculous was Mickey Rourke won the GG over Leo that year, can someone explain that for me?
  4. oh ox, unfortunatelly I think you are right about this comment: But when I saw Leo get no Oscar recognition for RR and SI , it was painfully obvious that award nominations and terrific performances don't necessarily go hand in hand. Oscar sometimes seems like a dirty game, it's sad. I think I'am already starting to lose my faith, really I'am sad about all this, it's so unfair and it's not that just with Leo. All they want is audience and this couples who like to pose together on red carpet, SHAME!
  5. oh, I liked the comment from the actor who plays young Gatsby: I think there are going to be some changes that surprise people. There’s a fairly essential change that I think people will appreciate, compared to some of the other Gatsby films that have been made. But, overall, it’s the classic Gatsby. Princess: I totally understand your rage about Pitt because I feel exactly the same way, he's NOT actor close to Leo, NO, NO, NO and NO.
  6. princess: I agree and hopefully this will happen. in my opinion they will eat their words because he will be vindicated this awards season
  7. thanks for that comment ox and thanks for the beautiful pics, solange.
  8. YES, I remember that pic... Nanda. Amazing interview, thanks ox.
  9. Found this old pic: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/tra...l2YM4xlvzjOEQJA
  10. You right, bari. That article is a JOKE, bad joke. No, I want HE WINS, first and foremost because he deserves and also to shut up some mouths out there.
  11. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ARTICLE? So, basically he's saying Leo did better performances than in J.Edgar. Well, I don't see the movie yet so I can't say anything by now. But all I know is that a lot of times academy is unfair with actors, directors... I remember to read a lot of stuff when Scorsese FINALLYwon his Oscar for The Departed, they said that wasn't his best film or directing and that he should have won for other movies in the past. SO WHY THEY JUST DON'T GIVE HIM THE OSCAR BEFORE? you know this things get me mad, he didn't deserved now, he deserved before... what the hell? It's not his fault that academy fail, so it's like give him an honorary Oscar later in his life... give me a break. :knives: So let's suppose that Leo's performance in J.Edgar is not his best one, but still he wins the Oscar, will be unfair? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why not? Because he centainly deserved to win at least 2 times before, without count the times he was SNUBBED (RR, Shutter)... so if he win don't matter when or for what movie WILL BE DESERVED.
  12. ARGH, :yuckky: Don't remember me this. It's ridiculous this kind of crap movie makes so much money and even get in the first place in the box office, this makes me so ANGRY. <_<
  13. In Brazil too, we always have to wait some 2 or 3 months to see the movies.
  14. hey just to clarify, I don't have a crush on Lukas but I think he sings very well, sweet. But talking about Leo's friends, Tobey is the one who I have a little crush on, he's cute and he will alway be my spider-man... hahaha
  15. thanks for the vids, ox. Keep the good work, Lukas! And I love that beach, so beautiful. The angry bird video is funny, is that Leo in the second vid? Lukas have a beautiful and soft voice, I liked. Also who is filming that video? and who is that girls and the guy who appears there?
  16. Loved the translation Pami, that is right. I also want pics from the beach, I would really like to have a pic of this moment when Leo blows a kiss to the girl.
  17. very small pic but cute anyway: Pami: I just saw the beggining because I have the movie, so I can watch when I want. I DON'T EVEN LIKE sertanejo music but I wanted to sing this music when I saw him in that towel : Ai delicia assim vc me mata, ai se eu te pego, ai ai se eu te pego... hahahahahahahaha
  18. This pic is new to me: I like the way he's looking at her, cute.
  19. This is so nice: leonardo dicaprio just blew a kiss to my sister thanks for the tweets ox.
  20. oh my great idea, if this could really happen, we all together going crazy on Leo, would be awesome.
  21. princess: the movie didn't started yet... oh yeah Pami, in my avi we can notice Leo's big shoulders, oh my, I don't know why but I loved so much this pic that immediatelly when I saw I wanted to put as my avi. I think it's because he looks so manly. :brows:
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