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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Happy Hump Day! Hope you're day is going better than mine!

  2. I prefer women with tits and ass over stick figures any day

  3. OMG! It doesn't matter if I stay home or not. It always seems to find me

  4. I was up late last night. And plus work is hell today

  5. That's what someone has been doing to me. Except I had a bunch of new profiles that were just registered and had 0 posts that kept "visiting" me. Now they may be going after you!

  6. I will, laptop is going with me of course! I can't live without BZ

  7. I pay mine 80 bucks every 30 minutes! Hell yeah I could use a cheaper massuese! I know I spelled that wrong

  8. Have a fun week without me!! I'll send pics of the new house

  9. I'm not getting one! And tonight when we have to be up every 2 hours, thats really going to drive himn crazy!

  10. Go right ahead. Just because I'm getting married doesn't mean I'm dead

  11. I am not a fan of Lima, but you do seem to pick out beautiful pics of her

  12. Oh God yes! Much better than the movies today IMO.

  13. Nevermind the last statement

  14. What do ya know! I am down to 3 stars again.

  15. I am good. No work tomorrow. How is your weekend so far?

  16. I'm trying hun!

  17. I know I will!! And Happy Birthday!

  18. Hope you are having a good weekend so far


  19. I love your Supermodel sig! I don't care what others think, I love them and they are the best!

  20. You will do just fine sweetie

  21. Well if talked and acted like T-Bag I would let you do it for free!

  22. Give it a few days and I'll be back down to 3 stars

  23. Well, it's true. Not to mention she is ugly as hell

  24. I like the name Bleu for a girl, still have no idea on a boys name. And I would love to have all boys! Girls are a pain in the ass. I have 3 girls so I know first hand

  25. I missed that then!! I don't think you have any reason to be jealous of anyone!

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