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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Hey Limer! How's life?

  2. Hey love! I haven't been on for awhile. Had to deal with some things. How are you?

  3. Hey now, don't knock it til you tried it! Wonder how much money they make?

  4. Hey! I'm not too worried about it. I knew he would come back eventually. But he is an ass and things won't be the same now

  5. Hi hun! And you should show a pi of your boobs since AnaB showed us her ass

  6. Hi hun! Hope you are good! And keep doing those videos. i love them!

  7. Hi hun! Is still so freakin hot here! How are you?

  8. Hi! How are you?

  9. Holy fuck! We just had an earthquake oin Oklahoma!

  10. Hope you are having a good weekend so far


  11. Hope you are having a good day!

  12. Hope you are having fun moving!! I'll let you know how Machete was

  13. Hope you had a fun day hun!

  14. Hope you have an awesome 2011 hun. Hopefully mine will be less drama

  15. Hope you have had a great weekend babe!


  16. Hope you treated your wife like a queen on V-Day!

  17. Hope you're having a good one!

  18. Hope your day is going good

  19. Hope your vacation was amazing hun! Ready for the grind now?

  20. How did you get it done so fast :)

  21. HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO KIM COATES IS!? I will be thinking about this all night now!!

  22. I adopted a little girl there. But it was intimidating for me to be there since I know nothing about the culture and I can't speak Mandarin. What I did see though was beautiful! I only stayed for a week unfortunately

  23. I am coming to stalk you! :)

  24. I am doing a happy dance!!! You guys got rid of my headache!!

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