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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Had to go to the hospital last night and we have multiple heart beats. We need to talk soon. Hopefully I can leave tomorrow

  2. Happy Birthday hun

  3. I know! Finally!

  4. That's what someone has been doing to me. Except I had a bunch of new profiles that were just registered and had 0 posts that kept "visiting" me. Now they may be going after you!

  5. YAY! Anytime hun

  6. Aww, thanks Kiki. I rated you 5 but it won't go up.

  7. Thanks Cult, and yes my life is very chaotic at times. I rated you too but it didn't go up

  8. Oh I'm just not liked on here :)

  9. Oh Lord! Tell you next time we talk

  10. What do ya know! I am down to 3 stars again.

  11. Same here. Pregnant, too hot and tired

  12. Hey Limer! How's life?

  13. Hey hun! Hope you are doing good! There's a few more that I forgot to mention on my list!

  14. Tired! All I want to do is sleep!

  15. Well tell her I said Hi back! She is such a doll! And so is her sister Ava.

  16. Hay babe! Is it hot there? I am dying here

  17. AWWW. Thanks Joe! My 5 star rating of you did not make yours go up:(

  18. Happy Birthday!

  19. Hey hun! Happy birthday!

  20. I am good hun. Can't sleep though. How are you?

  21. Oh I think we both can take a wild guess at that. I'd be willing to bet they have multiple accounts as well.

  22. Happy Birthday hun!! Don't drink too much now

  23. I meant to say you know she was fed up with certain people...but my mind wondered off I guess

  24. You was really fed up with certain people so she probably won't be on

  25. Well there is no denying her beauty

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