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Everything posted by blackthorne2cdn

  1. Does anyone have any idea who this model is?
  2. I was reading on a wrestling website the other night and they were discussing the site of Wresltemania 22 and there has been talks that it's going to be held in Calgary, Alberta. As someone who used to live in Calgary and has met 2 of teh Harts personally, I think it would be awesome if WM 22 was there. And anyways, it would be a great excuse for a certain Mr. Bret Hart to come out and give his fans that goodbye speech I've been hear alot about
  3. HEAR! HEAR! *breaks into poorly sung rendition of O Canada then walks away*
  4. Not Shogun...actually, in my spare time as a hobby I write and draw my own comic books and write my own stories based on my own characters. The characters I use most are based on people that I actually know, myself being one of those characters. The name Blackthorne comes from there as for that is the name of my own character, a name which I stole from a friend who also into comics, who had a character with that name. I'm sure I've done more with the name than he ever has..lol.
  5. Yup, I love in Sasktchewan...Regina to be more specific and there is a whole load of snow here and I hate it..lol. And we have been forcast for up to 10 cms over the next 24 hours..blah And i am liking it here so far. This is the 3rd or 4th forum that I post on, one of them besides here being a regular and so far, I'm really digging it here
  6. Hi there...I recently joined here after recognizing some names from Chilax and i figured I'd join up here since it's alittle more of teh ground floor. If there is anything you all want to know about me, ask away.
  7. I voted for Alessandra...she just overall is the sexier of the two in my own personal opinion...not that I'd kick either out of my bed for eating crackers, but Ale would have alot less of a chance..lol.
  8. While I don't get the WB...I have basic cable, my roommate has been downloading the season and I have really been liking it. It is showing Lex really getting deeper into his dark side and as we all now, eventually, become Clark's greatest enemy. It's interesting to me at least to see how they are developing that. And as for the episode where Lana, Lois and Chloe all turn into witches, well, all it basically was was a vehicle if you will to show that Clark/Superman is also vunerable to magic. As for them starying away from the Superman storyline, well, this show is supposed to be the journey that Clark takes to become superman. He isn't the Man of Steel yet, but he's getting there.
  9. Yeah, Austin and WWE parted ways earlier this year, in the summer I believe it was, over the use of the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin. From what I was told, Austin had a big time power lawyer on his side and Vince just said...sorry no dice. The lawyer was apparently trying to really push Vince around, so Vince told him to go take a long wlak off a short pier. Austin reportately hasn't ruled out a return to the ring, most likely Wrestlemania 21 in March.
  10. Actually, when the creators first satrted writing the show, they had one rule...no tights and no flying. well, that rule was broken in the first episode of this season when Clark, as Kal El, embracing his Kryptonian heritage, flies. It was an awesome scene and I as a self professed comic geek, loved it.
  11. Austin doesn't wrestle anymore, in fact he isn't even with the company anymore. He is, from what I have heard, focusing on his acting career right now but not ruling out a return to WWE, especially since the two parted on somewhat amicable ways. And no, WWE isn't as excting as it once was but that is mainly because Vince has told his talent that since there is no competition for them, to stop doing high spots so often just to do high spots. Alot of guys are going down with serious neck injuries because of stuff like that and he would rather see less death defying TV than hurt talent.
  12. Marissa could wear an astronaut suit and still look blazin hot. Thanks for the pics!
  13. blackthorne2cdn


    Is anyone here a pro wrestling fan? If so, I have been a fan since I don't even know how long and still am to this day. Some of my favorite wrestlers all time are Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Owen Hart and Triple H just to name a few. I would love to talk wrestling if anyone is interested
  14. Alessandra is definitely one of my favorite models...great posts! She is too freakin smokin for words
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