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Everything posted by Siemgi

  1. It was an Internet livestream. So yeah, besides missing an Izabel hairflip and the singer who would. Not. Leave. it was pretty enjoyable.
  2. Welp, I was starting to feel like CĂ©line up in here but yeah, this thread is alive! Anyways, I'm only like halfway thru and I don't know half these heaux but wurke @ Queen Constance and nips > wings, tbh.
  3. It'll pretty much depend on how much pressure/dollars VS is going to use to get her there. She's technically contracted to be there unless she's on maternity leave. Or misses her plane, I guess.
  4. E! (amongst others) had a whole page about Rachel. Also what I meat is that even inflation-adjusted Rachel did more work than Zuri is doing.
  5. I know you were talking about Rachel. But at least she has been in a shit ton of commercials and at a shit ton of events. And got a press release. Zuri is just, there. Also Dusty Rose? Really. What a sucky name!
  6. Zuri wasn't even in it. Has PINK itself announced her as a spokesmodel?
  7. When there getting rid of the catalogs they said they intended on keeping a few (Christmas, VD...).
  8. Behati is about to pop: http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7511206/maroon-5-cancels-show-adam-levine-behati-prinsloo-pregnancy-hartford-connecticut
  9. People in Jordan would buy a lot more VS than French people would anyway.
  10. That's because she hates them and is just there to take embarassing pics of them while they're drunk. Just ask my sources. If you could, that is.
  11. I like the Killer Queen commercial. The Adriana hype, I never, ever got;
  12. You put two Tier 3. And Elsa and Jasmine definitely rank higher than where you placed them.
  13. Seems like Doutzen's "big opportunity in Europe" finally panned out: https://twitter.com/Hunkemoller/status/771006842814234624
  14. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Of course Gisele will say the list is bullshit. If I was making that much money, I wouldn't advertise it either.
  15. Welp, just read the slideshow and they referred to Jasmine's contract as a six-figure deal, so below a million. I guess the same goes for all the new Angels except maybe Elsa.
  16. Hasn't Gisele retired? If Heidi isn't on the list anymore, neither should she. Same goes for Cara. Anyways, this means that Adriana's contract si probably about 5M$/y, Alessandra's contract is below 5M$/y and the rest of the girls is probably below 3M$/y. Also, no mention of Behati when she worked through most of the tracking year... Weird.
  17. Lol @ the automated voice saying "get the combo". That's Brinty from the Nekci Menij show (amongst other things).
  18. I don't think Zuri becoming a new PINK girl means anything, tbh. The CEO has changed, the branding has changed, why wouldn't the fact that they have only one PINK girl change too? Also, it's not like they didn't have girls like Chanel, Devon or Sara fill that role for a while anyway.
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