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Posts posted by Dee0902

  1. lol that's hilarious! Can anyone seriously imagine Candice beside Zac Efron? As a couple?

    That's the one thing I've always loved about Candice is that even with her star rising, and the fact many rich, famous men would line up for her -- she's still with Herman for all these years. The fact she's been with him since she was 18, she can speak Brazilian-Portugese and goes and hangs out with his family during vacations is absolutely adorable! She's so not the "Hollywood" type.

  2. Kate's face is very sexy but I think Esti's is just classic beauty that goes back in time. I still remember when I saw her in SI 2009 in Italy - she was so sweet and young looking with her golden hair. And her hair is what sets her apart from most other models! Most other models have not-too-thick hair that you can tell is styled to look fuller, but Esti's is so natural. I'd love to have hair like hers!

  3. Why does it have to be one or the other? I love Candice. I saw her in the 2008 VSFS and fell in love. It was the With You/Slave to Love segment where she came out in that purple lingerie with the big hat. It took me months to find out her name and I've been a huge fan ever since. It was her face, her walk, her BEAUTY that even got me interested in the world of fashion and models (and Bellazon!) ;) IMO She is a very special-looking girl in the world of fashion.

    That said, I've watched her steady rise to VS's #1 Darling in the last year and I can't freaking believe how MUCH they use her. Even more than they ever used Miranda. Candice is in every ad, catalogue, photoshoot, press event, store opening, party and commercial they've done. Even I'm sick of seeing her everywhere. If you watch her first campaign for VS in the summer of 2009 (with Rosie) she is SOOOO gorgeous and healthy and beautiful. She looks so natural. I watched her recent videos for the brand she is still beautiful, but she doesn't carry the same innocence or naturalness she once had. It's like too sexy now.

    I think she's definitely gotten too skinny over the last fashion season and it's simply not natural! She needs to eat a cheeseburger and get back to 2008/2009 Candi. She has the privilege of having one of the sexiest bodies in the world, why lose it? I also think the Gossip is total BS. VS would never drop Candi because of her weight. I have faith she'll get back to where she needs to be :)

  4. She is with Elite now? What happened to IMG?

    I used to hate Cristiano Ronaldo but I'm actually starting to really enjoy seeing them together :)

    Really he was a typical athlete who dated these cheap looking women and discarded them as soon as he lost interest. All those stories about him and call girls, prostitutes, wild parties and all those things. He is lucky to have found a girl like Irina. One of the most beautiful women in the world (like top 3!) who is smart, strong and a good girl.

    The pics of them together are totally adorable. They look so in love and happy. He's acting different too - no more horror stories about his bad attitude and ego. Plus there was this video of him with a young, female fan who was crying/shaking to meet him and he put his arm around her and kissed her forehead, and was just totally sweet.

    I think it's true that people become even more beautiful, and good-hearted when they are in love. These two are definitely in love.

    And her shots with Arthur are HOT! Go Irina!

  5. Wow I love Arthur Sales and Irina as models seperately, but their chemistry in that photoshoot was awwwwkwarrrd. Arthur is usually so outgoing with the girl models and Irina was always cute with the boys in the A/X campaigns. I wonder if it's a little different now that she's dating Cristiano? Maybe he is the jealous type :laugh:

    And the hairy legs video is funny...it just shows she's human! It's not that bad, but I am a little surprised she would wear such a short dress on a day she didn't shave. Just put on a sexy pair of jeans instead ;)

  6. Kate vs. Candice...

    Kate's body wins hands down! She's very womanly and curvacious, while I find Candice's body to be pretty unnatural. But I'm sorry to say I don't find Kate's face that memorable - especially in her video interviews. To me, she looks like a girl you'd find walking around the UCLA campus. Candice's face is money - big beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous lips.

    I've been a huge fan of Kate since before the SI publicity, but I gotta say - these Vegas pics and her dancing on stage with Ne-Yo are kind of turning me off. The way she poses super sexy on the red carpet, and is dancing around like a drunk college girl with scandalous pics of her obviously intoxicated at age 18...it's just not very classy. That's why Candice wins for me. Candice is so absolutely sweet and shy. Kate, more and more, is resembling a hot, drunk sorority girl.

    But she is gorgeous. She has that IT factor - everyone who's laid eyes on her instantly becomes enamoured. She's definitely going to be a household name and a dream for young guys everywhere. No doubt she'll be walking the VS runway come November, and be on the cover of SI one day. I just wish she would go back to her GUESS appeal - Sexy AND Classy. :blush:

  7. It is deleted, so there's no real point of announcing it now. Gah what is wrong with people who do that? What's the point of hacking someone's FB? Live your own life. He's just an 18 year old model, at least let him have his private account in peace. It really sucks because he'll probably never want to be on FB again.

    And someone asked before how we found out about Francisco. I found out about him through his Brasilian model friend Arthur Sales. I'd see pictures of them together and you can't help but notice Francisco's unique beauty! Finally I found out his name, saw all these pictures and videos and now I am like Arthur who? Francisco is beautiful, with a perfect voice and always nice to interviewers. You can't get better than him! I also love the Brazilian boys and their lifestyles - always playing sports, on the beach, relaxed and carefree. I live in the wrong country lol

  8. Wow so proud of Kate!!!!! Remember reading her thread at the very beginning thinking her body and face just have to be everywhere in modelling. What an example of the IDEAL figure and healthiness she is. And now that she's in SI, her career is never gonna be the same! She's gonna be everywhere...I'd bet my life savings we see her walking the VS Runway this November and that she'll be a household name and a "dream girl" for guys everywhere by the end of the year. She deserves it too. What a sweet girl! Hope she stays the same :)

  9. Wow I almost died when he said he was dating a French Canadian model, since I'm Canadian. You think with all the gorgeous models from Brazil he would stick with the Brazilian girls...but I guess it's true that opposites attract :) Sucks to be her though, when he's calling her crazy in interviews lol. I think "too crazy" roughly translates into he is flirty with tons of gorgeous women and she flipped out a few times (who wouldn't? if you're dating Francisco you'd want to keep girls away). If you date a guy like him, you've got to be super confident in yourself and not be bothered by other girls...or the guys get tired of it fast. He's too young for that kinda commitment anyway.

  10. She reminds me of esti for some reason.

    I was thinking the same thing too Megan! Not sure what it is, they don't look so much alike, but there's something similar. In the first Glamour thumbnail, it looks like Esti (of course when you get the larger pic...not so much)

    Beautiful girl!

  11. Flynn Bloom sounds like the boy next door in an English romance novel :wub:

    This kid is definitely going to be a heartbreaker....especially given how happy, good-natured and in love his parents are.

    I wonder if he's going to grow up with an Aussie accent or an English one :)

  12. Does anyone know what they're saying in the video?

    I know this won't be a popular post on here, but watching that video, you can't help but notice she's gained a bit of weight. It was going that way for a while, but the video surprised me by how much her body has changed in a little over a year.






    Let me say I think Esti is absolutely gorgeous and I've long thought she was a perfect looking girl. Her luminous skin, cute baby face and gorgeous hair are not easily found from other models. But I think she's gained a tad too much now. It doesn't look good for modelling. But Esti is so beautiful, she can somehow pull it off. I think it shows that all girls struggle with our body image and I don't mean to criticize her over it. But I think a little exercise would benefit her.....just to tone up a SMALL amount.

    I think how she looked in SI 2009 was absolutely perfect. She had most beautiful, healthy body there. You can even tell her hair and face aren't the same they used to be. But I dont know. What's most important is for a girl to be healthy. So if she's not smoking anymore, and eating healthy....then that's all that matters. She's still beautiful :blush:

  13. Man I have spent the better part of my evening going through all the pages on this thread. I'm just in awe. This woman is drop dead gorgeous in every photo! Even with other supermodels - they look a little worse in candids, or they have bad moments in front of the camera, but Petra is flawless. Not to mention her hair and body are absolutely PERFECT.

  14. Even though I am dying to know, I think they are so smart for keeping the birth of their child as private as possible. They don't want to be like other celebrity couples who announce their children's birth and have their kids avoiding paparazzi in 3-4 years.

    I think it will come out eventually, but more likely in a magazine article that's not entirely about their child. Just like a mention or something. These two were so smart to keep their relationship private, never talking to the paps, and no one ever created rumours about them like they do with other celeb couples. They just left them alone. In that same regard, I think the press will leave their son alone as well.

    I also heard Miranda wants their child to be raised in Australia. How cute :)

  15. ^^ if you guys don't like her, stick to the threads of models whom you DO like. What's the point of being BZ snobs?

    I don't find her particularly intriguing so I stay out of her thread most of the time. If I don't like what I see...I simply leave. Geez.

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