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Posts posted by Dee0902

  1. Candice is so gorgeous! And I love checking her twitter, always puts a smile on my face. She truly is a down-to-earth and humble girl. I just checked the General Babes forums and she has more than a few haters there, especially a few Adriana fans :) Hey, it's not her fault if Victoria's Secret wants to use her for everything :D

    She first captivated my attention when she walked the 2007 VS Runway, and then again in 2008. She's so sexy yet in real life, she seems so shy, quiet, sweet and I love that she chooses her words carefully. A beautiful girl :)

  2. From backstage Mugler. This video is really cute, with a bonus appearance by Max. I love hearing him speak portuguese despite the fact that I can't understand anything he says. But... someone who just translated for me said that Chico says he'd be doing 2 shows (Miyake and Mabille) and then traveling for work, which would mean no more Paris shows. :shock: :(

    On the bright side, maybe what he's traveling for is a major campaign. Anyone know portuguese who could give more insight into anything else he's saying on the video or validate the above?

    I was very happy that he opened the Issey Miyake show and I loved the Alexis Mabille show.

    He is so cute in this video! I like it especially because this poor girl is walking around backstage with her camera, bumping into people, surrounded by male models (I would be so nervous...)

    Then you see her approach Francisco, and you can tell he has no idea who she is, but he just starts chatting like he's with an old friend. Super nice and friendly. Endearing :heart:

  3. Hopefully not a repost.

    <a href="http://www.imagebam.com/image/186a79137702327" target="_blank"></a>


    ohhh this is my new favorite photo of him :heart::blush:

    so cute looking,he looks all boyish( instead modely lol)

    That's what I love about him. He is adored by fashion designers and they place him in such couture outfits on the runway. But when the show is over, he wipes off the make-up, shakes his hair, puts on a sweatshirt and grabs his skateboard. It's in pictures like ^these^ that you can see he really is just a young Brazilian guy who loves to skateboard and surf, and doesn't really give a crap about wearing D&G. It's totally endearing to see this kind of guy travel the world, modelling for all the top designers. :wub:

  4. I love how a few days ago Candice tweeted about watching Justin Bieber's movie on the plane and having the "Bieber fever", and now she's following him on Twitter :laugh: If only he knew! A 17 year old kid being followed by the world's most gorgeous supermodel!

    I'm so glad she has twitter. I love seeing her candid shots more than professional ones cause she's so naturally beautiful. Not to mention sweet and down-to-earth. I love that she doesn't re-tweet all the compliments she gets (she must get thousands) - she just tweets a few "thank you's" back to people. This girl is the real deal. Gorgeous, sweet and humble as can be.

  5. I know we can't comment on personal lives, but if any of you have seen the recent news about a certain Gossip Girl....I'll just say I admire Bar even more! She is a woman with a beautiful body but doesn't appear to be obsessed with it. She is sweet, down-to-earth and she appears to shy away from fame and paparazzi. I hope she finds a sweet, normal guy who will treat her with respect :)

  6. I actually liked her Gala outfit. We all know Candice can rock a cocktail dress like no one else, so this was something a little different. She's such a sexy girl, it's nice to see her in a pantsuit!! Apparently, Tom Ford dressed her too :)

    The hair is a different story. I will never understand why hair dressers think that wet-in-the-front-curls-in-the-back-mullet look is flattering on anyone. Megan Fox did the same thing at the MTV awards one year and it looked bad too.

    I think if her hair had been better, her overall look would've been stunning :) Her face is money though! Can't make her look bad :D

  7. The rumors about Candice and Kanye make me laugh. I think Candice would be the last model attracted to Kanye's glitzy lifestyle and arrogant personality (love his music, not his personality!)

    Also because her & Herman have been together for 6 years and seem totally in love :heart:


  8. I especially love how Candice is working away in New York and not in Cannes like most other supermodels. She seems like the kind of girl who shys away from that kind of spotlight, all the glitz and glamour, the world's elite and red carpets. Instead, when she has time off she'd rather be on some unknown beach in Brazil with her boyfriend, eating good food and listening to reggae music. All the more reason I love this girl!

  9. Aw, I love her answers! She's so sweet and down-to-earth. I especially loved her dream vacation locations - far from the typical, luxurious destinations. She just seems so laid back and not Hollywood.

    I'm not sure if this is a re-post but I found this pic of her online. Her body :heart:


  10. Wow, BAR!!!!!!!!!!! I know we're not supposed to comment on the personal stuff but damnnn that is the way to look after you break up with your boyfriend! It's the best she's looked in a long time. Sweet girl, she'll be fine :)

  11. She is SO beautiful! Thank God for her Twitter lol....

    I always get offended when people criticize Candi saying she looks like a stereotypical blonde barbie or similar comments. Looking at that picture you can see.......she's SUCH a NATURAL beauty! Like the kind of beauty you don't find often. Simply gorgeous.

  12. He and Jessi did break up, and he was "seeing" another girl for a while. He deleted Jessi from his FB and everything (before it got hacked). Even after it did, he added her and then deleted her again lol. So he wasn't really lying...

    Not out of jealousy or anything but she seems kinda possessive of him. She changes her profile pic like a week or two after they start dating again. I would never do that, especially if a guy had dumped me before and put me on blast in an interview! Then she updates her status to "in a relationship". Seems like she really wants people to know about her and Chico.

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