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Posts posted by mamen_fan

  1. hey there! :)

    as i mentioned before at raúl's thread, i've updated my blog with hq pix from sergio's b-day party. still haven't included all ballers' pix, but i'll do it eventually. ;)

    anyways, sergio's and raúl's pix are already there. take a look:



    just to let you know: the pix are exclusive but there's no problem using them anywhere else as long as the blog is given credit. i've seen 2 of my pix at tumblr and they weren't credited... take makes me mad, but i'm still resisting tagging them because i HATE tagged pix. and i believe fans should have untagged pix. but a little bit of respect for all my efforts would be nice!



  2. hey, raulfan! :)

    you haven't hurt my feelings. i just have my own opinion and, in this case, it happens to be different from yours. no need to worry.

    this is a forum and anyone in here can state their mind. ;)

    btw, i've posted hq pix of raúl, kaká & cristiano ronaldo at that champions league trophy event on the 16th. here:


    besides, i've finally posted those hq pix of raúl & other footballers at sergio ramos' b-day lunch. here:




  3. 8209ef76726016.gif

    i think this guy likes Raul so much ..he does the same hot greeting every time :laugh: ,but looks like mamen and caroline are busy these days ,and ronaldo is single so not surprised that his clothes does not fit the occasion .. but raul is starting to make me bored nothing new about his style since long time <_<

    that guy is alberto ruiz gallardón, madrid's mayor (alcalde). he's a great fan of raúl!

    about raúl's looks, the thing is he's not a faggot... he's not a metrosexual gay, i mean guy...

    in my honest opinion, in terms of fashion, he's the best dressed in the squad. perfectly fit suits, jeans, jackets... you name it! extremely classy, elegant, glamorous.

    i simply hate what sergio ramos, cristiano ronaldo & the like wear. it's not even fun, it's no fashion sense at all!!!

    guti, on the other hand, can be fun. and that's because he learned from the best: his ex-wife, arantxa de benito. although i'd rather go out with a true MAN (with capital letters) like raúl, i do enjoy most of guti's outfits.

    boring? kaká is tremendously boring!!! awful color combinations. clothes that are most of time too baggy for him. mostly, he looks like a sack of potatoes. as oldfashioned as his boring wife. there's a big difference between classy and boring. kaká doesn't seem to know anything about it.

    seriously, i'd be truly embarrassed if i dated sergio ramos, cristiano ronaldo, drenthe... i'd be like 'WTF are you wearing, hun??!!". "you'd better change or we're going nowhere tonight!"

  4. sorry! i can't help it... i just love arantxa! and i wish they were still together.

    some pix of arantxa de benito at 2 events last week, 1 in madrid and the other in sevilla.



  5. this is too much for me to handle, actually. i'm a fan of real madrid since forever and of raúl since he was only a promising young player. but i believe this change is for the sake of his sanity.

    i have many friends and even a family member who play soccer professionally. i know and have witnessed how bad they feel and how painful it is when they're not playing regularly in the starting xi. and not only for the footballer but also for the family & friends.

    for those who are in the game for the money it's okay to be a sub and heat the bench but for those, like raúl, who are winners & fighters it's the end of the world, really.

    dear, raúl! if you believe in yourself, if you think you can do your best, leave madrid and be happy anywhere you'll be welcomed. i'll follow you in my thoughts of positive energy. and may your 5 beautiful children & wife be really proud of you not only as a man but also as a professional worker.

  6. hey there!

    i'm deeply disappointed too.

    when we're angry and really sad we often say things we don't really mean but that are true at that moment.

    as a fan of real madrid since mom's womb, it's impossible not to get tired of watching them fail over and over again as if they were part of a weak, powerless, impotent team which they're not or weren't supposed to be, at least...

    too much money, too much attention, too much confidence, too much arrogance, too much stubbornness... it's too much of everything that's negative. and too little of what they have best.

    raul is not old for football, in my opinion. he's only 32. and it's been proven by real madrid's docs that he's the fittest in the group. there's a great number of players much older than him who are still appreciated and not sacked from the team after they turn 30. just to name a few: del piero, pippo inzaghi, paul scholes... in brazil, there are many awesome players over 32 who rock the national championship: washington from sao paulo fc, for one.

    of course it's important to have room and give emphasis to the new players otherwise we would never see any renovations. but i think it's just too cruel to treat raul or any other player like him the way it is in madrid.

    the thing is raul hasn't been playing in his position for quite a long time and as he's always been the reference of the team and now this complete change in his professional life has affected him mostly psychologically, in my opinion. you can see how eager he gets to score as soon as he enters the field. he's not that focused anymore, not centered in his game. he wants to prove himself the first second he gets in and, as it's not that easy, it makes him even more anxious which doesn't really help him much.

    if he wasn't so affected emotionally, he'd get the few minutes he's given and kick everybody's asses. shut everyone's big mouths.

    his 'infierno' started when that bastard aragones kicked him off from the national team. at that time, he basically killed raul's ending years of career. i mean, that stupid decision put under suspicion a brilliant career up to that moment. since then, most of journalists and even fans have been criticizing and doubting raul's importance in both real madrid and NT. besides, asking themselves whether or not raul's really been a great player as he used to be seen before that event.

    i can only imagine how bad poor raul must feel under that coat of perseverance and strength. he's been looking and acting strong but i believe it must be truly hard for him to show his best face every f***ing day at the trainings or press conferences.

    if i were him, i'd gently ask anyone else to go F themselves. thankfully, raul seems to be a better or, at least, more patient and polite person than me...

  7. hey, chic!

    thank you so much for the scans!! the pix are lovely!

    looked for them at seven pix but they haven't uploaded them to their archive... can't really get some of those agencies out there.

    did you make these scans yourself?! i'd like to credit them correctly if i ever use one of those pix. ;)

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