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Everything posted by Eos

  1. Is it the series of pictures of Justin with a blond woman in Urugay ? If it's that, to me it absolutely doesn't proove anything bad. He is a bit chatting/flirting but there is no kiss. For me it's nothing. Natalia surely did that with many guys before, still in a relationship with Justin, with a total pure heart...that is such a tiny thing I think... If it's not what you're talking about, then I'm scared
  2. There are many I had never seen, thank you very much
  3. Thank you very much ! I love her even more. I adore seing her in Russia, opening playparks, and funny to hear her speak russian. I don't understand anything but I love the sounds of the language, it's pleasurable And she remains beautiful in any circonstances, it's incredible. And thanks for the article Notami ! but they say she doesn't take any sunbath..I think it is not true I saw her many times on the beach, and in her beginnings she was a bit tawny (but maybe it was fake tan, I don't know).
  4. Me too I would like to read it !...I can only read the thing about her hair and that's it.
  5. Natalia in Komi for Naked Heart. source itogi.ru
  6. Thank you. I still have one magazine with her face on the 1st pic
  7. Thank you for the photos Some random pics, source vkontakte.
  8. Here is a translation I did of the interview in Express Styles. Not perfect but at least not from internet automatic translation. WIsh you a good lecture It's mainly about Naked Heart. Natalia Vodianova, super icon. Super model born in Sovietic Russia times, muse, mother, we all know by heart her fabulous destiny. The young woman is also commited to a cause definitely dear to her : disadvantaged children. Here is the meeting with a beautiful person. Making the portrait of Natalia Vodianova is risky, in two ways : abusing superlatives to describe her as beautiful, kind, generous. And feeling a touch of jealousy when you think of this different (anormal/extraordinary) destiny. Where determination is mixed with incessant good mood and show us an apparent perfect existence. But stupidity and naivety are not the kind of Natalia V., who is in addition unbelievably graceful and fresh, without any make-up that morning (even if she is the Guerlain egerie for make-up and perfumes!), wearing plate mocassins, making slightly fly her 50’s inspired skirt. Under the apparence of a very glittery life – she married a british dandy – she is still influenced by the wounds of a “very very hard past life” as she says. Her blue-grey eyes then turn melancholic, almost wet when she plunges into her native Russia. Natalia is only 28 but she experienced a lot of things in life. She is now aware to be the chosen one and has wanted to symbolically give back what she has been winning. The supermodel has been for several years passionately committed to her association Naked Heart, for disadvantaged children in Russia, and not only there. She travels the world to open new playparks, and she takes care of her 3 children the rest of her time, Lucas Alexander (8), Neva (4), and Victor (3). The rest of the rest of time (this woman has 1001 lives!) she uses her figure on the most classy catwalks of the world. Great girl ! Do you think charity is part of a complete life ? Everyone of us is responsible with what he does with his life. One can adapt his life according to the choices made everyday. Each cause is very personal. When you get committed to the good cause, dear for you, and that the energy comes from the heart, it’s praiseworthy. What touches me the most, personally, is the situation of children and elderly people, who deserve the best because they embody innocence, or rather vulnerability. How did your idea of opening playparks come to you ? My choice of opening playparks comes from a very intimate feeling. When I was a little girl, I was constantly taking care of my younger sister, who is handicapped. In these soviet times, handicap was not accepted by society ; some people even thought it could be contagious. I thus had nowhere to go with her. Our family was extremely isolated, it was very hard for us. My project Naked Heart is born with these painful memories. I imagined a place without any physical, social, racial frontier, so that children could forget a little bit their pain by playing. The playparks I create with my association are of course made of equipments for disabled children too. Since the launching of the project, in 2005, 40 playparks were born, and I open 15 each year. Most of them are in Russia, but some others are as well in Great Britain. How do you organise yourself to get really committed ? It’s a very absorbing activity. I bear on my shoulders a lot of responsibilities. I have to lead the inaugurations, find ways to raise money, be diplomatic and imaginative. At the moment for example, I am working on a project with the Museum of Sciences of Moscow. I would like to create a floor only for children, so they can learn science by playing. I open myself most of playparks. Luckily, a lot of important people in the fashion world help me: Mr Valentino, the photographer Mario Testino sometimes come with me for charity balls. To make my association more mediatised, I will organise a huge event next july in Paris, right in the fashion week. It will be a great fashion runway for which I have asked 45 designers to help me : each one of them design a dress on the theme of the fairy tale. These dresses would be worn on the catwalk and then put on auction by Christies for Naked Heart. Ricardo Tisci for Givenchy, Stefano Pilati for YSL, Valentino, Versace, DVF, Christopher Kane, Dolce& Gabana have already told me “yes”. This action that I am leading for the children is the most important work of my entire life. Would you like to adopt a child ? It’s an idea that I have had in my mind for some time, and I have to tell you a huge yes, absolutely. I have a big sensibility for that. Do unknown people ask you for help? I receive abundant mail. A lot of people write to me to ask me a little bit of money. It’s very moving, touching, and hard at the same time. I like being useful, it’s my pleasure. Maybe to give back some luck I have had… With your spouse, Justin Portman, what kind of education do you give to your children ? The eldest, Lucas Alexander, is already committed in the association, since he regularly comes with me to open playparks. He is passionate about that, as well as altruist. When we take the subway, he always wants to give to all disadvantaged people he sees. I try to make my children understand they are lucky, without making them feel guilty. A very comfortable childhood may be very boring. Mine was absolutely not, I didn’t have time ! I always had to think like an adult, struggle to find something to eat for my family and I. An ability to act is still left inside me: I don’t dream, I do things. But I’m also overwhelmed with a feeling of emergency, which makes me very impatient. My mind is so used to fight against difficulties that I’m sometimes frustrated to see that not everybody has the same rhythm as me. In a way, I am eager to grow older, in order to be peaceful, happier. I can’t wait for my forties ! Interview by Katell Pouliquen.
  9. Natalia is on Express Styles of this week She has no new photo but an interview with inedite things that I will translate soon. Sorry for the bad quality of the scan.
  10. The filming of Belle du Seigneur begins on the 25th of october from www.parismatch.com
  11. These holding arms are indeed strange....but it may mean nothing special. I begin to think that they are really separated. Not divorced but not together anymore....perhaps they see each other in privacy, they don't show up for appearances (Justin bored to be called Mister Natalia?) but strange strange strange. Moreover, Natalia removed "married" on her facebook account. I mean she hid it. And she erased two profile pictures of Justin and her. Why ? (maybe it's not her, I know. ). SORRY to speak about her private life. Personaly I'm eager to see the first pics of Belle du Seigneur. We will have many pics of Natalia in costumes of the forties, and imagine when the first trailers will appear. I don't understand the girls who are unhappy with Natalia becoming an actress. I think it's just great.
  12. She looks really fabulous with Ricardo Tisci, I really love her like that too, so classy...she can be a different woman for each appearance. I meant that, in the past, she seemed to be more shy, more accessible. Now she is more like a star and seems to be distant, not showing off too much I hope ! (even if she is allowed...). Maybe I have this impression because it's a long time I didn't listen to her being interviewed ( a real one, not like the one after Cavalli show) and saying nice things she really thinks, learning more about her personality and what she wants to do next, in short, simply feeling closer to her ! But I understand nothing is new for the moment, no new etam collection, no new movie, no new love ball....I think pics are not enough for me
  13. It doesn't look like her in the first pic of post 7369. She seems to be the favourite of all designers of the world...I guess it's a good thing, but sometimes I wonder : who Natalia Vodianova is really becoming..?.....lol sorry...
  14. Our Natalia is a source of inspiration in every style of art The spanish visual artist Victoria Frances was clearly inspired by Natalia. source : http://www.victoriafrancesfan.org I am sure there are other examples.
  15. I agree with you Pautinka. She doesn't need a lot to be extraordinarily beautiful. Natural suits her so well.
  16. A picture from the Hakaan show.
  17. Cavalli show, ANV. Good to see her !! She is totally lovable.
  18. Natalia's profile pic on facebook, an unseen picture that makes me think it's maybe her.
  19. Yeh Pautinka it's strange. Maybe she has a jet ? Those unseen pictures by Paolo Roversi are wonderful. Maryna the drawing you made is perfection .... Fashionmistake 1234, please tell me about the post from snob.ru, what is going on with these books ? Are these books that Natalia apreciates ?
  20. Oh, I 'm pretty sure I already saw this video somewhere, I think on youtube, it's probably easy to find it again. It's actually a video where we can hear Paolo's voice saying something like don't move, look at me, I love you.
  21. I like this outfit with the white dress and black gloves....a bit weird but extremely beautiful and majestuous on her. An old pic from http://limalicious.skyblog.com surely a repost but still...
  22. Natalia at Mario Testino Todo o nada Opening night : from anv She' s a true beauty, unique baby lion face....
  23. I personaly find these pictures moving...
  24. I was thinking too that Natalia looks muscular
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