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Everything posted by Eos

  1. But basically this event was the Russian glamour award woman of the year 2005, there is also a video on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqLU5NgAP5M Thanks acfr for all the precisions I know I really saw all editorials of Natalia, from the early beginnings to nowadays but sometimes I don't remember exactly her face in every single picture. EDIT : yep, I found them :) I just find these pictures on the russian web but with a close-up, it's just confusing me
  2. Yeh she is , it makes me think of the guerlain terracotta shoot, but maybe I'm dreaming. Fashionmistake I'm trying to find
  3. Don't remember that And I'm not sure the last one is her
  4. Thanks for all the pics and articles. I was having a flights-journey today and, randomly entering in an airport-bookstore I saw Harper's Bazaar uk - could not resist to buy it. There is a picture of Natalia which was not posted, smaller, in one of the first pages of the magazine...but I'm too tired now to scan it, I'll do it tomorrow They also say in the magazine that there are exclusive videos on the website. Natalia was also elected 8th best-dressed woman of the year by Harper's Bazzaar. Dino Chapman is the guy who arranged the pics in which she portrays Joan of Arc, I didn't know it was also him on all these pics...
  5. They say in the magazine Harper's Bazaar in the end of Natalia's interview that there is an exclusive behind the scene interview of Nata by Dinos Chapman on harpersbazaar.co.uk but can't find it
  6. Me too I thought it was Justin at the beginning...light blond hair, tanned skin, to me it's totally ok as well Natalia
  7. Really, I don't mind about her hairy legs, I think it is funny, and not very shocking on her. I've just read Natalia's interview in Harper 's Bazaar by DVF and wouuuuuuuuuh, I love Natalia... She says in it she's going to prepare something which may change the lives of lots of people in Russia. ???
  8. Congratulations to her. She really deserves it, and it's all so true, she can provide great inspiration, in all levels.
  9. Seraphic Natalia Did she win some prize ?
  10. Natalia in Balmain for British harper's bazaar december
  11. Sunshine, I really really love the picture from Belle du Seigneur you took as your avatar. It's a recent picture but I can now count it as one my favourite Natalia's pics. She is really stunning on it, just her face...can't wait for more photos. I can't imagine Natalia as someone who would get upset because of her partner watching porn lol. They're both adults. I'm pretty sure they make every effort to accept each other entirely, and are very easy concerning the other looking at others, remember this old interview ? But of course, they might face as any other normal couple relationships problems... As for Natalia's private pics, maybe they are found on the net because some of Natalia's facebook friends took them from her albums and put them on websites/threads/blogs...we can never know how it began. I'm a bit sceptic but not categoric.
  12. I can't read russian but I also agree with all Pautinka said. Natalia is so beautiful in the first pic of post #7604, thank you notami. I like when there are close-ups of her face...
  13. How can you be sure it's NOT Natalia ?
  14. Nata for belle du seigneur via anv : I just adore this photo of her !
  15. Wow I knew this video but first, I had not remembered well her outfit, thanks and then, I had always thought this guy dancing with her was Justin
  16. thank you 1000 times for the pics fashionmistake, Natalia is so adorable, and I love her style. I notice she always wears clothes which seem to be very clean, neat......(you'll tell me, that's normal, she's a supermodel !!). That's not my case !! with all the cats at home and their hairs................ I wonder what was this event, with the flesh coloured dress, at some party (very strange but funny!) Is she with Claire Danes ? As for Natalia's children, maybe they are with the father ! Maybe Justin came back to Great Britain to take care of them. And I was thinking that Lukas has to go to school so I hope they are really all at their home.
  17. I heard it is in Switzerland and Italy. So Natalia will have to make a work over her voice and intonations
  18. Pautinka, I was thinking the same. Anyway, to make it really perfect, the original version should be in french... Very often, movies based on books are not so good, compared to the books. Belle du Seigneur is a very long book, very detailed, with a deepness and a lot of inner thoughts from the characters, just what they think and dream of, for pages and pages, written in a fanciful way......hard to make it on screen (voiceover?). I'm a bit worried about the quality of the movie, and for Natalia, because film critics can be so cruel, but I was thinking - Jonathan Rhys Meyers is now a great/famous actor, why would he play in a crappy movie ? (for Natalia ? ) that's why I think maybe we can be surprised in a good way. And it's not because it would not be an excellent start for Natalia in cinema that she can't make it right later. As for the poster, I'm pretty sure it's fake, made by fans, I don't know....just can't believe it's the real one.
  19. Oh god thank you very much !!! The poster looks a bit fake.
  20. In february, on the last apearences of Justin, he looked very bad (older, skinnier, not his usual self). I was sure something had happened and that he was sorry. During the last 10 months we didn't hear about him, but we know he was away, mainly in Uruguay, without seeing Natalia nor the kids. Now we find out he has not been living there as a monk. Remember he has always been pictured as a playboy, a womanizer... Unless he has been hurt by the revelation of the relationship between Natalia and Boltenko and wants to take some revenge, so this unfaithfullness would have started only very recently ? Or did it last the whole last year (as another "article" reports) ? Is his unfaithfulness the origin of the problem ? Would it be why Natalia would have asked him to leave ? Is the drinking / gambling story true ? From where we stand, I think it's impossible to know the real truth. Who was unfaithfull first ? We will never know the real story. I always had the feeling Justin is a man who really liked the compagny of beautiful women. I mean : he is rich, he is handsome, he looks kind to me, agreable, I guess a lot of girls must have been running after him. I had read in an article some time ago he was helping a russian model (not Natalia! of course) to choose the right yacht for her holidays. So I'm not very surprised to see him with a blond woman in a nightclub......... I hope he did not hurt Natalia ! Maybe they had some problems....relationship problems...everybody knows how much it can get complicated. And think of the distance. But a wedding and 3 kids !! all the same. That is a pity. They were like a "model' for me, they're not helping me now with hoping in eternal love ! They were so perfect. I also wanna underline something : on Justin's facebook (oh god what a gossip...sorry in advance) Justin put a picture of the bridge they have in their garden in Sussex. And someone in french says in comments something like " a bridge is a good image for what is happening now to you. Once you have reached the other side you can forget everything!"... Sorry for all this gossip I don't want to upset anyone ! RE-EDIT I think it is very hard to judge Justin on these pictures. We don't know when these pictures were taken ? And it would surprise me a lot that Natalia decided to put a distance between them because of that maybe it was last month, and Natalia and him were already separated.... I am of the jealous type, and I have long distance relationship, but seen from the outside, I does not appear to me like a proof of lack of love or unfaithfulness. Anyway, this woman can also be her lover. I just hope Natalia is not suffering. I had always thought Justin's pain was probably horrible....how can you deal with Natalia willing to leave you ? She is totally irrepleacable, and I weight my words. Well, maybe he is not the hurt one..
  21. Natalia at the vogue party !!! facebook Me too I would look horrible if I had Natalia's timetable !! It is always a strange feeling to see that she was at this or that event just yesterday night..like yeah, she really exists. I know it sounds strange because it would mean not a lot of her pics, but I wish she could have some holidays again. Spain with Andrey B ? no joking I don't know she does what she wants I was wondering, have anyone here ever met Natalia in real life ? I would like to gather, all girls of the forum to meet Natalia or see her in a public event!
  22. http://en.ura-inform.com/culture/2010/10/15/fashion Natalia Vodianova is expected at the Ukrainian fashion week. Someone on the fashion spot said it as well. If anyone could find pictures
  23. I always had some difficulties with clothing made with total leather.... but her face and body looks stunning, perfect! Kira Plastinina Diner Party at the restaurant "Casta Diva" She looks tired but very good as always. And concerning the rumours..of course it's just rumours, but no one should force another to stop talking about it, as if it was terribly painful, unrespectful. We are here because we are fans of Natalia, because we love her, we won't say anything bad about her, we'll always support her right?....She is not anymore only a model now to me, she is a "personality" and I care about her life as a woman too, it interests me, inspires me. Of course I'm mainly interested in what she does as a career and about her charity but it's not a reason to wish to stop the plain innocent talk about her life.
  24. http://amur.kp.ru/daily/24578/749270/ Found the link on http://sublime-natalia.skyblog.com
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