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Han Solo

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Posts posted by Han Solo

  1. I don't recall seeing these here. Sorry if they're reposts!


    Damn. Why don't I ever come across hitchhikers like that... :drool: :drool: :drool:

    Indeed, but you would have to take the four guys sitting there as well... :laugh: :blink:

  2. ^ thank you! the arguing was getting SOO annoying!

    anyways i just saw transformers 2 and it was great! :p haha megan looked incredible and she was actually great! in the first one i didn't like her so much cause she wasn't very good, but she definitely was great in the new movie :)

    thanks for the pics, she looks beautiful!

    Indeed. I was mildly surprised to see her do well(acting wise) in TF2. :)

  3. Well, none of this was really aimed at you bluestars, but it looks like you want to virtually argue and stand for someone you've never met, or did I get that wrong?

    Except there is one glaring difference. I'm not assuming a certain person is a bitch just because of what I've read in the tabloids. I would assume any person I meet is a genuinely nice person unless a plethora of evidence is complied as to why not. Tabloids and media gossip really don't count. Especially when it's not very dense.

    A: You are very correct. So I wonder why your making this into some sort of crusade for foxy megan? Your just as ignorant on this subject as I am.

    I'm really just tired of people bitching and complaining and being ignorant. I feel it sometimes to necessary to educate people and not always make a judgment about someone based on one or two photos. Or several media related "interviews". Seriously, that's stupid. There is more to actually "knowing" a person and how they act when the cameras are turned off.

    B: When in the public eye, you carry a certain responsibility to be decent to your fans if you have any to begin with. Because after all; the fans make or break you in a certain way of looking at it. the simple fact is in hollywood(or so I gather) is that the more popular you are, the more work you get. And that's all driven by us, the consumers and fans. It's just like high school. Very easy to grasp.
    I highly doubt an incident like this is going to have any effect on Megan Fox's career, negative or beneficial. If she was such a bitch would she have really lasted this long and gotten the opportunities she has? There haven't been any numerous amount of reports saying that she isn't good to work with, is mean, etc. And even if she was, what seems to matter right now to most people is her body instead of her persona. It's really not her fault that society has this "standard" that she has to live up to...just to entertain the public and their deluded expectations for someone to be a perfect angel 24/7. That's dumb.
    C: I made that statement based not only on this incident, but previous shabby performances. Her whole image has to be based around what she and the rest of us think of her. Oh how she looks or how hot people perceive her to be. (she said as much in a recent interview) Other wise it would be about her acting skills and they are almost none existent.

    What exactly is unusual about a testosterone driven teenage boy(This was a boy after all, not a man) wanting to impress a hot actress that just happened to walk by him?

    These people are paid millions of dollars to supposedly "act" and she barely does that. I would think it would be no problem to accept the fan part of her "job" and move on.

    And that is stupid for reasons I already stated. What if Megan is really trying to focus on her acting skills? She's gorgeous sure, but what if she wasn't so pretty in the public's eye? Would everyone be bitching about how she ignored someone in that scenario? No they wouldn't. They wouldn't even care. But because she's so pretty we're going to put her on a pedestal and make her live up to some ridiculous standards that we set ourselves because we're so bored with our very own lives.

    And please don't give the guy a pass. He was old enough to know that if he wanted to impress a girl, then he would start by actually getting to know someone instead of acting on some ridiculous impulses attributed to infatuation. Really, this behavior rarely works in this case, just as it would rarely work in high school, and just as it would rarely work on the street. Affection isn't that black and white.

    Hey, I don't wanna fight with ya, I'm just sharing an opinion like yourself. So stop trying to create a fight where there was none to begin with.

    Hey I'm just sharing my opinion as well. I'm not calling you any names or anything like that. I'm just taking issue with your comment, not you. Nothing but a simple friendly debate. If you don't like my tone, well...I'm sorry.

    That's fine and touche. I just don't have the time or energy to keep it going. It really doesn't warrant me to continue to defend someone I have never met, or make a case against them too. Frankly I won't loose sleep over what Megan fox does or doesn't do. I was just pointing out what people already can see for themselves. And that was my first mistake right there. I'm sure you would agree that it wasn't exactly her best moment in the sun, but maybe you wouldn't. I dunno.

    As for tone, I have no idea how to distinguish that over a computer. As for me, I don't insult easily(if that's what anyone was after), so don't worry about offending me.

  4. Well, none of this was really aimed at you bluestars, but it looks like you want to virtually argue and stand for someone you've never met, or did I get that wrong?

    A: You are very correct. So I wonder why your making this into some sort of crusade for foxy megan? Your just as ignorant on this subject as I am.

    B: When in the public eye, you carry a certain responsibility to be decent to your fans if you have any to begin with. Because after all; the fans make or break you in a certain way of looking at it. the simple fact is in hollywood(or so I gather) is that the more popular you are, the more work you get. And that's all driven by us, the consumers and fans. It's just like high school. Very easy to grasp.

    C: I made that statement based not only on this incident, but previous shabby performances. Her whole image has to be based around what she and the rest of us think of her. Oh how she looks or how hot people perceive her to be. (she said as much in a recent interview) Other wise it would be about her acting skills and they are almost none existent.

    What exactly is unusual about a testosterone driven teenage boy(This was a boy after all, not a man) wanting to impress a hot actress that just happened to walk by him?

    These people are paid millions of dollars to supposedly "act" and she barely does that. I would think it would be no problem to accept the fan part of her "job" and move on.

    Hey, I don't wanna fight with ya, I'm just sharing an opinion like yourself. So stop trying to create a fight where there was none to begin with.

  5. Well, none of this was really aimed at you bluestars, but it looks like you want to virtually argue and stand for someone you've never met, or did I get that wrong?

    A: You are very correct. So I wonder why your making this into some sort of crusade for foxy megan? Your just as ignorant on this subject as I am.

    B: When in the public eye, you carry a certain responsibility to be decent to your fans if you have any to begin with. Because after all; the fans make or break you in a certain way of looking at it. the simple fac in hollywood(or so I gather) is that the more popular you are, the more work you get. And that's all driven by us, the consumers and fans. It's just like high school.

    C: I made that statement based not only on this incident, but previous shabby performances. Her whole image has to be based around what she and the rest of us think of her. Oh how she looks or how hot people perceive her to be(she said as much in a recent interview) Other wise it would be about her acting skills and they are almost none existent.

    What exactly is unusual about a testosterone driven teenage boy(This was a boy after all, not a man) wanting to impress a hot actress that just happened to walk by him?

    These people are paid millions of dollars to supposedly "act" and she barely does that. I would think it would be no problem to accept the fan part of her "job" and move on.

    Hey, I don't wanna fight with ya, I'm just sharing an opinion like yourself. So stop trying to create a fight where there was none to begin with.

  6. Interesting thing is, that if Megan Fox came across this thread now and read the for and against her, I doubt she would give a rats a$$. :ninja:

    It was rude of her to ignore/brush off that boy. Plan and simple. There really isn't any other way to explain this(unless she didn't see him or the huge rose in front of her face).

    I mean how much does it really take off of you to just accept the rose or whatever else your having thrust at you in a frantic way? Even if she didn't want it, she could ditch it later, but at least she wouldn't have made the fan an emo/suicidal. Or at the very least, feel like crap.

    The other mildly funny thing is that their are actresses heads above her in talent, looks etc. and most have dealt with situations like this in a very professional, human manner.

    I see this and get the feeling that she has a very high opinion about her self now. And for what? Being eye candy in a transformer film? I sure didn't see transformers for here acting abilities. And what else notable has she been in? Hope and Faith? Seriously?

    And I like her. But not because of her acting skills.

    Bottom line is it just came of shabby in the end. I still think she's hot though. Kinda? :D

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