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Everything posted by doctor_d

  1. and i love that last picture
  2. are raica and ronaldo back together or is that an old pic? i hope she didnt get back with a cheater like that
  3. Im not gonna lie...that guy is gonna give me nightmares...ha
  4. thanks...i really like the last 2, the second one, and the one where shes in pink !
  5. wonderful HQs...She has great legs
  6. 5th page? jesus ahah...let me go find some pics i guess
  7. wow...the one with the guy..hes so ugly and then you have gorgeous raica sittin right next to him ha...i sound mean right now but im just saying ahah
  8. personally i wouldnt be happy to see her forgive a cheater like that
  9. Im thinking he meant they are back together maybe
  10. guess what...i had another photoshoot saturday! haha ill get the pics in 2 weeks
  11. it looks like they photogrpaher decided to go heavy on the airbrushing on one but left the other like the rest of the pic for the most part ha...like he forgot to finish
  12. yeah uhh hes fixing near...uh yeah i want his job ahhaha
  13. so ive got some stuff you probabaly havent seen but im lazy haha
  14. Tottally...ha now all i have to do is get on a plane to New york... lets see, now i cant bring liquids or anything ha...soooo ill be waiting in the airport for hours...sweet <_< lol
  15. shes single? wooo i have as chance again...although im sorry it happened the way it did...i hope he breaks a leg or something!
  16. bion seems to have taken the role i had on chilax hahahaha
  17. a guy...walking into a store with mostly stuff for girls...asking for a small poster of a girl...a little odd
  18. yeah thats the second time ive forgotten to take one ha... i was gonna ask for one too but that might seem weird
  19. yeah me and raica would look good together haha i stopped in at ulta and forgot to take a pic of the poster they have there...its raica with a white cat
  20. ha i didnt make it...i used to have a better gif as my avatar back on the old forum, but this forum has a bigger avatar so i dont use it...
  21. Ha they dont look good together IMO...hes a good player i just think she can do better...looks wise. and no posting of guys in her thread unless shes in it! unless its you sayin shed be good with me and post my pic...lmao
  22. a couple are reposts but i havent seen some of those...theyre older
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