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Everything posted by doctor_d

  1. Oh, when you look at agencies websites, you may want to look at all their models...if they have a lot of people with your general look, you might want to try another agency...unless its one of those, all one ethnicity ones...like i know theres latino agencies out here... the photographer helps with the being photogenic to an extent...they find your best angle... and hes right dont send those pictures into agencies... id say have someone take them for you if you can with a regular camera...just ask your mom or whoever to take some pics of you real quick...dont hold the camera out like your making a myspace picture
  2. Ha if i wasnt trying to be i wouldnt be giving advice ahha i used to have pics in my thread but i took em down... well yeah you have to be good looking but its about how you photograph too... theres like high fashion where the guiys have an "edgy" look...or so the agencies told me... commercial is like ads and stuff...for stores...things like that uhhh pics work better...at least to me these pics are i think what they would say is fashion vs commercial Fashion Commercial
  3. ha trust me youve got time...Im 22 and i havent broken into it yet...
  4. youre not too young...id have to see how you photograph to tell you what youd be...but my guess is youll be commercial until you are old enough or get and older edgier look to do the fashion stuff... i have the same problem i still look like im a teenager what did she give you? cuz i took some pills and was told to use that cream or whatever they gave you and it made it worse not better...
  5. shes so pretty...ahhh i missed her bday !
  6. i didnt say make a huge one...just a small one... not all photographers are that expensive...the one i went to was 400 bucks and i got a bunch of different looks. For polaroids...you can just use your digital and have someone take a face shot, a profile, and a body shot and then get them printed out...take them with you to open calls or email them to agencies...
  7. Yeah you have nothing to lose. And if the agency is nice maybe theyll give you a couple tips. If youre going to mail them make sure you read on their site what they want. If they want regular pics give them that. If youre going to do it by regular mail then you can either send polaroids or a comp card. If youre serious about it then you may want to think about spending money on photographers and getting a portfolio together
  8. It has a lot to do with the models body and whether you fit in the clothes as well.... im not an agency but next time...lose the glasses ha
  9. you can send it more than once...they wont remember you if they werent interested ha...
  10. chances are if there are people on the streets its most likely not a good agency...for instance...there is a agency using wilhelminas name but its "scouting" and they dont pay for anything. If you get approached in the street i say look into it...if they ask for money to do stuff then id say dont do it. A reputable agency will pay for your portfolio to be made and everything...theyll just take the money out of your first job but they wont make you pay up front. accutane is the strongest acne drug you can take...it raises choleserol though so they have to keep an eye on you while your on it. They do blood tests to make sure its not damaging any organs
  11. what she said...you might get like powder to reduce shine, if they have anything to cover up theyll do it... yes theyll take polaroids if they like you and you get back into the room to get interviewed...but the open calls ive gone to, they take your pics or comp cards and look at them while you wait in the lobby...if they like em theyll call you into the room if they dont think they ca get you work right now theyll just give you your stuff back and send you packing. ha it sucks trust...if they dont want you they dont do anything... i used accutane to get rid of my mild acne...it works great but you have to go to the doctors...they have to check your blood every month and your skin gets pretty dried out while your on it.
  12. they may put you in touch with a photographer for real pics if you ask. If they like you theyll set it up otherwise theyll just give you his contact info shes right...usually the guys and girls just look like that but sometimes they use photoshop to make the jawline pop out more... yes youre gonna get rejected...everyone gets rejected...especially when theyre just starting out. the agency will only make your portfolio if theyre gonna take you on...otherwise youre on your own
  13. ha which reminds me ive got agencies i have to get back to haha
  14. Is it really bad or just mild? If its mild maybe touch a little up but not all cuz they wanna see what you look like naturally... even girls they want to see with no make up
  15. Well i think theyd probably ask you how old the pictures were. Its not a good idea to photoshop pictures if youre going to pass it off as just a regular picture that you didnt do anything to. Only use photoshopped ones if theyre ones from a real shoot. Thats my opinion
  16. It will depend on the agency...the bigger the agency the less of a chance there is simply because theyre gonna have more guys coming in to try and be with them. But you can take pictures with a photographer and hell most likely photoshop the scars out and if you photograph well enough then they might just take you and then just have the makeup artisit cover you up. But when you go to open calls or if you email them pictures they really like polaroids because they wanna see what you naturally look like. But im not an agency ha...the only way youll find out for sure is if you just go in.
  17. and i think he meant like acne with the clear face comment... if you have it...theyll put make up on you...or if its a photoshoot they can take it out pretty easily with photoshop... i saw a lot of guys at the convention i just got back from that had a lot of make up on to cover up acne...but i hope they realized that constant use of it could make it worse ha
  18. Like i said earlier...there are fitness (big bulky muscles guys) they do have skinny models...then there are the ones inbetween the 2... there are commercial models...fashion models tend to be able to have an edgier look as opposed to commercial models...i think a lot of it has to do with the photographer as well though...in some of my pics i have a commercial look and others are more fashion...but i look like im 18 so im kinda screwed... if youre doing big runway your probably around 6' tall...otherwise your a print model or youre not doing the big runway shows... Honestly if youre thinking of being a model just go to the agencies sites and they should have all theyre requirements on there. If they want you theyll teach you to walk on the runway and set you up with shoots with photographers that will show you how to move in front of the camera.
  19. usually the height requirement is 5'11" to 6'2"...anytthing over 6'3" and they may say youre too tall. There are fitness models, the ones you see that are all muscular, there are also skinny models...ashton was pretty skinny as a model. But usually theyre pretty toned but not huge. You have to act like a model pretty much. Dont let yourself get caught doing things that would make you look bad. Theres also commercial models...ad then there are fashion models...some agencies will tell you that your look is more commercial then fashion and thats what theyll book you for.
  20. lovely new pics sorry for the abscnece i was doing a modeling.acting convention
  21. true...hes done it before idk why she would think it wouldnt happen to her
  22. Fuck that guy...he doesnt even deserve Raica...what an a-hole
  23. doctor_d

    Eva Longoria

    Ridiculous...they shouldnt just jump on people for it....if they want to wear fur its theyre choice...these are the same people that have thrown stuff on peoples clothing because they didnt like that it was real fur... i have no respect for them...i see their point but they dont go about things right sometimes
  24. doctor_d

    Jessica Alba

    yeah it looks like she lost weight and its not good...
  25. sadly some of my "rare" ones i cant seem to find...not all my pics are in the same folder...i might have deleted them by accident.
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