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Everything posted by doctor_d

  1. I dont think so...I think shes mainly in New York unless the work calls for her to be in Brazil... If she doesnt have anything going on i think she goes to Brazil. Of course im not her manager so i dont know for certain ha
  2. yeah wikapedia is wrong...shes done swimwear for VS and no Raica and Ronaldo are not together anymore
  3. so ive done a lot of skating ones lately...ive got other stuff but i cant remember if i pposted it already and im too lazy to look thru the topic
  4. uhhh no haha...she doesnt look like her
  5. i doubt it...theres plenty of people with the same last name but it doesnt mean theyre related...i know theres a lot of people with my name but i know im not related to them
  6. So after watching some of the skills competitions for the NBA all stars...i was surprised to see a special about the SI swimsuit edition...and she was interviewed, and was even caught dancing haha...and she looked great doing it. There are some vids on the SI website of her...
  7. i love her in the new pics... thanks guys
  8. So the SI pictures are awesome She looks gorgeous.
  9. useless...what exactly do you expect any dog to do? at least a decent size dog can make an attempt to protect someone...a dog tha small would get kicked across the room...
  10. I like how the photographer also got the other paparazzi in the picture...ahhh im not a fan of small dogs though ahha theyre useless
  11. new favorite right there...i think i fell in love again ha
  12. oh and i like the striped shirt ones best
  13. MY Raica! haah Nice pictures...shes so damn lovely its not fair ha I should have new pics soon...and an agency ha, maybe ill get to meet her someday soon...i think id pass out haha
  14. I think you should stick to hawaii for now...unless youre capable of going to Brazil at any time. Just go with Hawaii for now to get some experience and go from there. Dont aim for the top right away.
  15. Modeling will be around...sex sells haha...and they always need to show off products so there will be a need for models. Dont get discouraged if you get rejected...if your discouraged by 3 then you wont make it as a model cuz youre going to face a lot more rejection then that...you just have to keep pushing through it.
  16. idk if theyll pay for your flight...my friend still pays anytime he flies out to south africa...depends on th agency probably...
  17. if they want you they wont care if youve had an agency in the us...it would just mean you have experience but if they really want you it wont matter. But you realize if they want you youll need money to get out there... My buddies agency is in south africa...he got lucky and won a competition though and uses that money any time he has to go out there.
  18. get the agencies email adress and email the pictures
  19. You might as well send in the pics now too...in a few months they wont remember you anyway so might as well just send some now to see what the response is
  20. the first was a lil blurred... other than that they look fine you get measuring tape and wrap it around your chest, waist , hips ha...the soft measuring tape...ha that easy my friend before shoots you can try not to drink much water...get rid of some water weight to get more cut right before the shoot its what bodybuilders do before the compete, they cut water out...
  21. ha just make the decision between doing it now or waiting to get rid of the acne. if you dont have that much then just start now. just take pictures and email people or go to an open call...weve told you what to expect pretty much... you wont know if yuou can make it until you hear it from agencies...not us
  22. i looked at 2 of em and i dont like the pics of the models ha... yeah you may be bothered by the thought of being judged but if you are you cant let that come thru in your interview. basically at an open call theyre going to take the pictures you came with and take it back for someone to look at and theyre gonna say whether they want you to come back or not... you wont even leave the lobby or whatever until they say yes or no. or at least the ones ive been to thats what happens seriously if you get an interview, you have to be outgoing...thats whats going to land you jobs...your pictures will get you in the door but you gotta sell yourself after that...
  23. Check the agencies sites for exactly what they want. But in most cases, its a clear picture of your face, a profile of your face, and then a body shot
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