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Everything posted by teamrican1

  1. It's just a combination of selective memory and flat out ignorance. Gisele's peak as a runway model was 1999. That was the year she truly established herself as a Supermodel. She didn't start dating Leo till sometime in 2000. Prior to that, she had appeared on the covers of the November 1999, December 1999, and January 2000 of issues of Vogue- a three-peat unheard of in the modern era. And I actually take exception to the idea Victoria's Secret made her famous too. VS didn't sign Gisele to that huge contract until the very end of September 2000. Beyond the three-peat I had already mentioned, Gisele was seen on the June 2000 cover of Vogue embracing Geogre Clooney. She was on the cover of Rolling Stone (still a popular magazine back then) under the tag line "The Prettiest Girl in the World" a month before inking the VS deal. Victoria's Secret didn't make Gisele famous. Gisele made Victoria's Secret famous. She was the first (and last as it turns out) Supermodel they had ever signed to head a campaign. It was a total 180 of their previous downmarket marketing strategy and made huge news in all the business trade magazines at the time. And it turned out to be a huge success. So much so that all the models Victoria's Secret hired after Gisele became famous too, even though none of them were even remotely close to Gisele's stature as a model. Now, did dating Leo for nearly five years make Gisele more famous? Sure. Same as marrying Tom has made her more famous. But it is just as true that Gisele made Leo and Tom more famous too. Gisele and Leo were a union of two people who were already very famous in their own right and both of whom had already climbed to the pinnacle of their respective professions. There is something quite sexist about people who say "dating the worlds most famous actor was good for Gisele's image and career" but act like dating the world's most famous Supermodel didn't enhance Leo's status as a sex symbol. Both benefited by the relationship.
  2. Yes, it is like they were having a contest to see how bad they could make Gisele's hair look. I don't think she needs to part ways with Colcci. Their clothes are whatever sometimes but she only walks São Paulo Fashion Week for nationalist reasons anyway so if she broke ranks for Colcci because of sucky clothes it would kind of defeat the purpose of what she is trying to do. Maybe all she needs to do is insert a clause in contract that a stylist of her choosing has final creative say over her hair and makeup. Because clearly Colcci can not be trusted to handle that properly themselves.
  3. I take it you have never seen Transformers. It's based on an American children's cartoon and features a bunch of giant robots from outer space fighting each other. They just cast pretty looking actors who run around and make the occasional stupid joke, but otherwise it is all CGI robotss fighting each other. Rosie is more than qualified for the role. Hell, the fact she's replacing Megan Fox tells you all you need to know about the acting ability required to do this part. Transformers makes The Cannonball Run look Oscar-worthy. And Huntington-Whiteley's Agent Provocateur commercial is a more impressive example of acting than anything Fox has ever done onscreen. I think you guys are really underestimating the allure of Hollywood for a young lady. Gisele was the last of the Supermodels and it is highly unlikely they'll ever be another girl that rises to that level of Superstardom by modeling alone. If Rosie wants that kind of fame and glamor, this is the right path. Just look at Tyra Banks, who was a decent enough model but who became pretty well known because of a TV show on a third rate American network. Or for an even more stunning example, look at Heidi Klum. She was a complete zero as a model but nonetheless sometimes gets invited to big deal Hollywood parties and functions just because of that TV show she did on Bravo and she is better known to the public than Rosie and pretty much all the top 10 models working today (Gisele excepted if you consider here to be "still working") even though she was never even in the Top 100 as a model during any point in her career. Transformers 3 is going to make a half a billion dollars and be seen by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. This is going to make Rosie a huge star in a way she could never achieve in years of modeling.
  4. I think she is most sexy of the four, but that is just personal opinion. The important point is that the article is not about sexiness. The feature is "Super Powerful: Confessions and Secrets of the Major Models of Brazil". Whatever you think of her sexiness, Caroline is easily the most important of the four models they managed to get for the story. Renata Kuerten is still a relative unknown. Isabeli Fontana is now well past her prime. Izabel Goulart is having a remarkable late career resurgence that I am so happy about but Caroline is the one who best represents the purported theme of the article. If we accept that Gisele is essentially retired, Caroline is the second biggest model of Brazil right now after Raquel Zimmermann. everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinion, but I disagree with everything you said completely. we'll just leave it at that I get that this is the Izabel board, and I am a biased fan too as Izabel is personally one of my Top 10 favorite models, but I think we also must be objective. Caroline is arguably a Top 10 model (in terms of resume and prestige) within the industry right now. Izabel is not. Within the nation of Brazil, Caroline is without question one of the Top 4 models. If we include Gisele (and now that she has emerged from her pregnancy/baby seclusion to claim yet another American Vogue cover I must reverse myself and say that we must) it is very difficult to make an argument for including Izabel in that grouping. It is virtually impossible to make an argument for the other two. So while I too respect opinions, I just don't think you can objectively and in good faith complain about Caroline being there given the topic of the article. You can say that Caroline's looks don't suit you, and that is fair. But to say she doesn't belong is just being silly. Of the people pictured she "belongs" more than anyone.
  5. I think she is most sexy of the four, but that is just personal opinion. The important point is that the article is not about sexiness. The feature is "Super Powerful: Confessions and Secrets of the Major Models of Brazil". Whatever you think of her sexiness, Caroline is easily the most important of the four models they managed to get for the story. Renata Kuerten is still a relative unknown. Isabeli Fontana is now well past her prime. Izabel Goulart is having a remarkable late career resurgence that I am so happy about but Caroline is the one who best represents the purported theme of the article. If we accept that Gisele is essentially retired, Caroline is the second biggest model of Brazil right now after Raquel Zimmermann.
  6. Hi. That link is broken. Can you re-up it please?
  7. I have another question in addition to the citizenship one if anybody knows: Does Tom pronounce her first name the correct way like her family does or the anglicized way most of the world does? I listened to that Boston sports show interview to try and find out but he only called her "his wife" instead of Gisele so that didn't help. I'm sure he must have said her name some other time in public though, right? So anybody know?
  8. The gossip rags report that she will be delivering in December. Obviously not an "official" source, but Tom and Gisele tend to lie about their private life to keep it private, and in retrospect the gossip rags seemed to have gotten the engagement story correct, so maybe they are right about this too. If the due date is in December, I think that is very good. The Super Bowl isn't until February 7th, so assuming the Patriots make it, Gisele will have over a month to get back in to shape for the big event. One question that I have not seen addressed elsewhere: With the marriage Gisele is now eligible for American citizenship as Tom's spouse. Is she going to avail herself of this? I imagine tax considerations would be the determining factor. Is there a substantial difference between Brazilian and US tax policy for someone in Gisele's position?
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