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  1. seems you do know lol bingo
  2. didnt like it myself but oh well haha people get mine to quick, i'll try n make this one harder
  3. dark city??
  4. youre turn. ill make it harder next time then
  5. lol good guess then! ??
  6. only havbe one in mind and its a bit of guess fear and loathing??
  7. correct
  8. we'll live past it
  9. well if youre quoting me its obviously implied
  10. Well it can be on the flip side too. I don't know why everyone always uses the conventional brand of thinking that automatically pairs attractiveness to lack of personality, and more average looking to better personalities. i wasnt doing that at all
  11. TheSteeeeels

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    babybird - youre gorgeous
  12. needs to balance itself out sort of if the person is really attractive, they can have a bad personality if the person has a really good personality, they can be slightly on the bad looks side however i WOULDa date an extremely hot person with no personality but would NOT date an extremely ugly person with an amazing personality looks are more important
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