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Everything posted by Froussay

  1. I'm just in love... she's so so beautiful.
  2. Exactly. That's what I said, we don't know what we can see tomorrow. I think is just so unfair to think eveyrthing for her HAS TO BE about Leo. That's not true at all.
  3. I agree. She has to move if she wants to be more. She has everything to do right but... it's with her now.
  4. Anyway. People should really stop thinking Bar is nothing without Leo. This is so annoying. Come on, nobody really needs another person to have a career. And well, ok, she's not doing a lot of work , but who knows what can happen next week? or tomorrow? it isn't like she stopped forever. Anyway... it should be about Bar. And just her
  5. Yeah I do agree but at the same I don't think she has to be all the time with Leo. I mean, they're not together right now, is that right? But I don't think that's bad for her carrier... I think she's really good just by herself BUT yeah, maybe if she stays all the time in Israel it might be a little bad. Not at all cause I believe she does some things there as well... am I right? And well she's been in a lot of parties and events, even though she's not modeling too much... so maybe she wants some rest, don't know. Anyway, yeah, I hope she moves a bit... cause everytime she does something, she's sooo beautiful...
  6. old, I know, but still, so beautiful
  7. Does anybody know any news of her? She's not well known but I like her so much. She's such a cute model...
  8. I agree. Honestly I don't really like when everything about Bar has to be connected with Leo. She's Bar, nor Bar-Leo... Anyway, I try to find some news but there isn't any I think...
  9. http://www.webhush.com/session-movie-review-bar-refaeli/ http://www.hollyscoop.com/bar-refaeli/bar-...iend_20813.aspx
  10. Not sure if all of them are repost, but... not recent anyway. She's so gorgeous.
  11. Ok, this one is hard. Cause I think both are fantastic models, both are incredibly beautiful but... Bar is still my favourite. Though I think the editorial is so different to compare [one is very cute and the other very sexy]... I'll vote for Bar, she's still my favourite.
  12. Hello ^^ Well, I do agree with Bar being perfect for VS. And though she's curvy, she's stunning. There're some not-that-beautiful curvy models. But she's not like that. But yeah, maybe she doesn't need VS at all. THOUGH it'd be so nice to see her there! *_* Imagine a Bar Angel. Omg.
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