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Posts posted by Sara7

  1. for me is her...but naturally only her and who have worked with this model know if her is megan or not...

    for me is megan...

    and the make up artist have say 'this is megan'

    by the way


    but nothing of this models is in this website

    I'd be utterly shocked if it was Megan.  99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure that it's not

    barely looks like her at all


  2. ;)i'm agree with you

    i think she is SWEET!!! and i Dont think she has a loong. nose...it seems like she is from Italia...she looks like an italien girl...I LOVE HER body!!!she is not think and not fat...she got meat,you can se this amazing girl is eating well(im a girl myself,and WANT that body!Grrr,hehe...and i LOOOVE her hair,its beautiul :)


  3. but if on the book she is megan ewing..because you all say no?only because you not recognize her?

    Definitely not her. Her lips.

    I figured you were a pro at who Megan Ewing was, considering she's your #1. I guess you have a lot of hope that she comes back. Give it time, she's under 2 agencies.


  4. good work ;)

    by the way..if you say me what pics you want for the website

    i can scan it again without my id on it

    and if you say me the pixel that you use for your website..

    i will scan the pics with the same pixel..

    another thing

    i have some pics

    without the logo

    for example you have a guess pic

    on it have the logo of GUESS

    i have without the logo

    you have interest to it?

    funnyfan you want?

    i have only a few pics.. it is the same that you have...but without this logo..

    i hope that i succeed to explain it :D

    bye bye

    Sara, I cleaned up that old scan of yours:



  5. i have confronted the ear in this pic...luck the high part!


    I have other....i will send tomorrow..if i succed to take it tonight ;)



    Yup, I think Megan's extremely distinctive ears prove that its her! Look at her ear in the Guess picture, she has these two big RIDGES in her right ear-- and this new picture's girl does too. I think it's really her!  :drool:

    THANK YOU Sara! How many new pics have you bought in? I think it's already a dozen by now!  :p


  6. my 'little' contact eheheh

    say that she is megan....

    about the pic...it is from my MAX magazine...

    it is for LOOK it's a brand

    i will make a better scan..i have much of this photos....

    WOW, thank you! I think it looks a HELL of a lot like Megan-- especially the eyebrowns, ears and nose! But I'm so bad at these IDs... :( Maybe Trimalynn and Lea could tell us for sure?!

    Do you know how old the pic is and where its from? If it's from something Megan has already worked for, I think it raises the chances of being her...


  7. I can't enter in this website...other new things?

    in advertising...somenew things of justin?

    by the way....


    she is not a model!

    she is not a Girl!!!


    More like pissed off at Marciano for being such a dumbass to go from Megan to freaking Paris Hilton.  <_<

    But enough negative talk! Nine updated her awesome website and has new Megan scans up! I've got them down below too.  :)


  8. for me sho not seem a mexican girl!

    the mexican girl have different face...

    maybe the its parents it's no mexican...

    and by the way..much modelsnot use real name and real info about the life...

    i know a model that work with 3 different name!


    Really, you guys think so? I think she can look like she's of Mexican ancestry in some pics, like the following Guess ones. Her nose just looks flattened at times, and she can have pretty dark coloring.


  9. I have contacted trimalynn

    I hope that she can add it in me.net

    :o  :o  :o

    That pic is new to me! It's not on Me.net either!

    Thank you!  :drool:  Do you have more you can share with us???  :blush:


  10. do you live?

    it is released in much country(but in europe)

    no america!

    maybe can you find it in ebay...

    bye bye

    Aww too bad I don't live in Germany anymore... :(  I so wish i could have seen that pic for real.


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