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Everything posted by saturnine

  1. she didn't get any credit in that video... how odd
  2. Does anyone have a pic of the painting by itself in this pic?
  3. voila! from: http://zoom-sur-gainsbourg.femmes.orange.fr/ eleone22 ohhhh, any more like that ?
  4. Does anyone know what makeup/foundation she uses, or is used on her? It's so lovely... And I agree, that interviewer should have said 'beautiful' as opposed to pretty... :magic:
  5. Has anyone seen the movie yet?? It's released in France, non?
  6. why on earth doesn't laetitia have a fansite/website ? #1LaeFan, can you tell me where I can find the full set from your avatar? Thanks!
  7. I am dying for some more pics Laetitia pics as BB I cannot believe anyone would say this woman is 'ageing terribly'.... what does that even mean...
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