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Everything posted by JungleCat

  1. She looks GREAT! Poor thing got critiziced for that picture on her facebook for looking too skinny ... so called fans called her anorexic so the picture got deleted
  2. http://www.prosieben.de/stars/video/clip/1860156-luisa-hartema-bei-erstings-family-1.3282054/ She gets tips from Rebecca ... I hope she doesn't listen (sorry, don't like her!). And she says she is NOT yet booked for NY fashion week. But to walk/live in NY is her goal.
  3. Thanks Brandy for your effort Welcome to Bellazon!
  4. Interview (in german) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP_vonWlfko
  5. Foto by THOMAS LEININGER (from her facebook page)
  6. Ah great. Andreas Ortner did one of my all time favorite shootings with Barbara Meier
  7. Thanks for updating Monroe!
  8. The problem is we really don't know what happens behind the curtain. I guess she just doesn't have the possibilitiies to do "100 castings a week". She has many other commitments and if you don't have an agency backing you up it's rather impossible to attend all these castings by your own. I'm quiet sure she will walk more shows then 2. But what really counts is New York and signing with an agency there!
  9. That's right comtrend. If she doesn't attend the castings of Escada/Boss she won't be booked. They have other girls they care about. I'm quite sure some people at the bigger brands know who Luisa is though (and even if it's only an intern ^^). They don't live on the moon But I'm quite sure she didn't attend the castings anyway... What about the Kretschmer Show? He seemed very fond of Luisa. I don't think the list of shows is complete. I hope there is more to come.
  10. If these are her only shows BFW will be very dissapointing! Rebecca booking so many shows is a joke anyway ... I really don't know what designers and fans see in her. I think for the bigger german brands GNTM is still a big NO, no matter how fitting Luisa would be for their shows. I'm really hoping for her to go international soon ...
  11. I agree Comtrend. I think it's a bit unfair to judge "her effort" at the moment. She signed a contract and I'm sure that contract involves shows like this and red carpet events. She can't just say "No, that is not High Fashion enough for me...I don't do it!". This is what you get if you win such a show! With all the pro's and con's... If she wanted to be a "real model" she should have send her pictures to an agency. She wouldn't have campaigns for Gilette, Zalando etc. now though. She wouldn't have an apartement for free in NY for one year. She chose GNTM, now she has to deal with the consequenses...and they include walking in shows like Ernsting's or red carpet for Pro7. This is nothing new. I think it's way to early to jugde the way One-Eins is taking with Luisa.
  12. The last picture is Rebecca Mir
  13. Yes, I really hope Berlin is more about quality and not quantity! I don't wan't to see her walk for "Chicas Walk" or something shitty like this... Alexis Mabille showing in Berlin is very interesting, thanks for the info. I hope she gets the job again!
  14. Thanks for all the pictures and screenshots! The Zalando Campaign looks super promising! I'm really looking forward to it!
  15. Well, that's your opinion. Obviously not the opinion of many many clients she worked with after she won GNTM. You should have a look at her thread here at Bellazon. Tons of work. Nothing recent of course because she changed her career focus. Her body was better when she was at her peak I'd say. She doesn't need it to be perfect for the career she tries to achieve now... As you can see in her thread (and over at rtvgames) she has/had lots of fans and is one of the more succesful winner of any NTM ever. She did great campains and editorials (take a look at her Fabi campain!), of course she was never destined to be a runyway model (height & measurements). But she made the best of her chances! So she is one of the most deserving winner in my opinion!
  16. Haha yes, he is over 2 Meters I think. She said to him "Wow, finally somebody taller than me!" or something like that
  17. Thanks for all the pics guys! A friend of mine met her yesterday at the Gerry Weber Open.
  18. Thanks for the scans Sheila! Don't know why Rolfe said that as well ... stupid thing to say.
  19. I hope you are right. But I think so as well. With this girl they can show Germany they really are able to find and manage a model that can make it international! And I'm quite sure Thomas Hayo has already worked out something with an agency in NY! He knew she got it from the first time he saw her, took her to NY and let her meet lots of important people. He won't let her sit in Germany the next year for events and red carpets...
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