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About Idafonty

  • Birthday 08/29/1989

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  1. Happy birthday! :)

  2. Happy Birthday and 5 stars for you ^_^

  3. Happy Birthday!!! :D

  4. oh i love tiiu, she remindes me so much of my best friend same body shape and her faces are similar... but my friend does not want to model...
  5. thanks very much, i agree that she does look very different... in the second pic her jaw looks kind of weird...
  6. really? wow okay, that´s cool
  7. aww that´s a nice picture but i don´t like that she´s in the press so much. with her kids especially...
  8. got one more:
  9. yeah she looks really pretty, hope we´ll se some more pictures of her!
  10. I've read somewhere a while ago that she had some huge problems with her weight, some kind of eating disorder but at that time I didn't really know who she was so I didn't pay much attention and just remebered the name i´m not sure about the eating disorder but i know she lost a LOT of weight and is skinny now... or she used to be a year ago. i don´t know really how she looks like today...
  11. woaaa thanks so much bella! great pictures :hell yea!:
  12. awww thank u so much! it´s such a great cover and i can´t wait to see the editoral inside THANKS AnaBB
  13. a bit bigger but it´s not a good qualitiy... i´m sorry. but anyway she looks awesome!
  14. sorry but rap culd be hip hop culdn´t it?
  15. i think she once said she likes rock-, rap-, and reggaemusic
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