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worshipper pa

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Everything posted by worshipper pa

  1. Men are used to that. Women always pee in privacy so they have learned to demand it. Peeing is a normal bodily function...
  2. I sniff and lick them of course. Why? How do you know that?
  3. This is one of my favorite threads! Very educational! I didn't know you girls avoid public toilets. We men are less hygienic and we don't mind using public toilets, at least I don't mind. It is even good to be exposed to dirt and bacteria as it improves ones power of resistance. People are sick all the time because they are too hygienic.
  4. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 35 days
  5. I must confess; I have sneaked into women's toilet (when they are empty) and stolen used tampons and pads from sanitary bins.
  6. Thanks quasicartes!What's wrong with that guy? He is an idiot or a homosexual or both!!! I find it unbelievable how he leaves her just likes that!
  7. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 36 days
  8. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 37 days
  9. Who cares? I always watch only the part with In
  10. I'm not demanding anything, just giving my humble feedback which if the purpose of this thread, isn't it? Who should we please? How about the majority? I think quasicartes has a point, one skin has it's advances. I am using the default skin, it works well. No problem.
  11. Great video! How much more evidence is needed to prove WWE wrestling is the best entertainment on earth?
  12. There's no competition, Sophie Marceau is no match for In
  13. I have used Opera for years now. FireFox seems to be good too.
  14. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 38 days
  15. Wow! Thanks very much Avenger!
  16. Thanks, I recommend everybody to buy that DVD!
  17. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 39 days
  18. I agree 100% with this. One perfect skin like ChilaX had.
  19. Otherwise Tren_Z is nice "ChilaX-like" but the smiliesare ugly on dark background. Does IPB allow the use of different sets of smilies with different skins?
  20. AMADEUS - Director's Cut (Milos Forman, 1984) Digi-TV (Anamorphic 2.35:1/DD 2.0) Last time I saw this movie a very long time ago I was not into classical music yet and this movie didn't give me much. Now I really enjoyed it even if it was too long (173 minutes). Poor Salieri, how Mozart humiliated him! Rating: 4 stars out of 5. ****
  21. Yes, getting close! Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith - 40 days
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