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Posts posted by maddog107

  1. Thank you, and the reason why is because that program is hosted on one of my many websites (which also hosts this site) and does an incredible amount of server requests and if people start useing it for what it is not intended (here) it will bring everything including this to a screaching halt pretty quickly.

    sorry to have to be so rude in that last post :)

  2. So i just saw Closer, and shes a stripper in it, and she prancing around in a thong for the longest while. Shes got great legs and er, everything else :laugh: (no nudity in the movie if thats what your wondering)

  3. I always wanna play, so yesterday I ended up going to a party instead of poker, but we played a home game and I made like 35 bucks, well better then nothing i suppose :)

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