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Everything posted by SuperKKModel

  1. I'm with HappyCanadian on the Karolina Kurkova editorial...doesn't matter which one!
  2. Wow, she looked so naturally stunning at the MET gala the other night. I think that black dress really let her features stand out...i.e. legs, face, wavy hair and height! She has definitely been working on her legs, they look amazing! Overall, I am impressed!!!!! (2 more from celebplus) Her candid photos are alright. I like her light pants with jean jacket though : ) Minerva........you are SOOO talented!!!!!! Wow, I'm super impressed with your drawings. Can we make any requests?! lol
  3. Hi everyone! HappyC, I did the same thing looking on Style.com! lol. i agree....I hope KK gets a CUSTOM outfit. I'm so (cautiously) excited! Also, heads up to everyone. JustJared said that last night there was a party called the 8th Annual Spring Fling Party held at The Private Roof Club and Garden at New York City’s Gramercy Park Hotel and KK was there! There are photos of Gisele, miranda k and kate bosworth floating around but none of our dear kk! At a previous Spring Fling Party back in 2005, Patrick McMullan has some photos of her from that party but nothing from last night. So if you guys find anything...please post! p.s. GI Joe millisecond KK appearance rocks! lol
  4. Inguna x 3 Izabel x 2 Karolina x 5 Natasha x 4 Andi x 1 Karolina x 5
  5. I am SO confused....Daniela looks really similar to KK in that photo Chocolate! lol Does anyone know the source of that photo for us to check for sure who it is?! Also, miss, I don't think that that's KK...I could see why you would think so with that big smile but upon closer inspection, I have to disagree. I think we are all SO desperate to see KK in ads again or somewhere, anywhere....that we want to believe she is everywhere! I am sooo like that. KK....WE ARE GOING THROUGH WITHDRAWAL (COLD TURKEY ALMOST) AND NEED YOU BACK!
  6. Coluchka, never seen that photo! LOVE IT! It's so subtly sexy. Happy C, thanks for the recap. Even though it is the most subdued, I do like the 2003 black dress look. It really shows off her figure IMO. I'm not too fond of the paid purple dress. Do you know when the 2009 MET Gala is this year? I wonder whose "muse" she'll be considering the theme this year is "supermodels"....I really hope she wows us and stands out among the Supers of the 90s! You know, I am not too fond of her blonde extensions on GNTM now that I take a look back at them. I know at recent premiers she's had her hair up and seemingly messy-looking, but the extensions look so unnatural and dry IMO. I think she should get a cut like Heidi in GNTM or Gwenyth that makes her hair look lighter in weight and won't look so damaged. Totally off topic, but that's my 2 cents!
  7. A surprise for you all...I found some screencaps from the gntm website. Sorry, couldn't play the video since i don't live in Germany...Enjoy!
  8. KK x 3 (but both are perky perfection! lol)
  9. Oh quick observation I forgot to add...I'm surprised how dark her natural hair color is! I mean I know it's still blonde, but I guess I'm just so used to the VS blonde dye job. I actually think it suits her skin tone if she styles it better.
  10. Thanks EVERYONE for the photos! PC, i haven't seen a lot of those photos. She looks smoking in those black lingerie ones at the top of this page. I think the VS ones are oddly photoshopped though. Journal21, thanks for the new photos! Wow, is that a one piece outfit she has on?! I'm not sure I would like that outfit on anyone else but KK. IMO, she should have gone with a form fitting, long slim jean for the TopShop opening with some great cool shirt. (HappyC, when I saw her hair I immediately thought of you and knew you wouldn't approve! I saw your post on FAshionspot about her having the Gwyenth Paltrow long bob and thought YES, that would suit her PERFECTLY! Maybe with a bit of a wispy bang to make it her own. PLEASE TRY IT KK! lol) style.com, modelinia, gettyimages, vanityfair
  11. So sad, the woman has a difficult stint for awhile in matching everyone's "weight perfection" standards and all of a sudden it's labeled as unprofessional. EVERYONE has the right to not be perfect every second without being judged and commented on...I'm sure we all have periods of time when we are not in our ideal mental/physical/emotional/social state at work or at school or in our lives in general....the only difference is we're not famous and those off days are not in such a perfectionist industry in front of thousands of spectators. The designer (Cia M) didn't cut her from the show or replace her last minute after fittings, so if they were fine with it then screw the haters IMO. Toned or untoned, KK has presented herself in this industry as a real pro and has been smart enough to not get caught up with the bad parts of the industry and has remained true to herself. Let us all be reminded that we do not know what she was going through during that time and her changes may not have been something she could have controlled. So very sad we're all talking about it to this day! (Rant over...will not talk about this again..I hope!) Those photos above at VS are GORGEOUS! I LOVE her with that hair color (vs. Barbie blonde). And yeah....killer show for her and that body of hers.
  12. ^ Do you think the issue came out around the time E Entertainment voted her "The Most Beautiful" in that top ten list?
  13. Thanks for the scan! One more photo from the Valentino event. After seeing all the different photos, I think what bothers me the most is that ill-fitting, plain black button up shirt. The skirt and booties would look cute with a better top IMO. Her hair pulled back is starting to grow on me...she just needs some sideswept bangs or something (again IMO) (jpgmagazine)
  14. I almost forgot about the upcoming G.I. Joe!!!...August-ish release date right? I'm wondering if she will be part of the promotions (only because she doesn't have that huge of a part vs. the more famous Sienna Miller etc.) Will she have a makeover before the promos (hair, makeup, clothing)? Will she do interviews? Will she start becoming better known? So many questions!!!! I can't wait either way though... As for this new man she has been seen with at recent events, I hope they're a couple...they look really cute together and I think it's great that he's not some famous movie actor or silly male model or something...she seems too down to earth to put with that type of gossip and drama. Actually, they sort of remind me of Charlize Theron and her boyfriend Stuart in a way. I hope she's in love!
  15. Hey HappyC, I hope you didn't take it the wrong way...I just thought it would be a fun project for me to pass the evening as I was having a hard time falling asleep. So I thought..perfect opportunity to oogle at some old and new KK photos. I actually came across a few that I had forgotten about that are my faves...like that one close up with the black beret....I LOVE how she looks in that photo! And I totally agree with what you said about the outfit at the Valentino premiere and her past few appearances...I agree that her clothing choices haven't been that great...considering she has access to anything the fashion industry produces you would think she would want to pull out the stops or at least choose one or two chic or interesting pieces or accessories. Her hair does look sort of lazy, I concur. (Maybe years and years of spending hours at the makeup/hair/closets dressing up for events, she has gotten sick of the prep time and is now more easy, breezy ha ha ha) BUT I think we both can agree that these are anomalies and she will wow us many times over in the future! By the way, I had fun looking up the black theme, so if anyone has any requests for a "KK Compilation Theme" let me know! My next one is going to be "KK with Bangs" because I just love her with bangs and miss them! (She should get some bangs for 2009!) Ta ta for now all!
  16. I was bored so I went searching and here is my compilation (targeted at all those who even doubted for a second why she wears black) entitled: "KK SPECTACULAR IN BLACK!!!!!!" (Don't get me wrong...I love KK in color too, but DAMN she can work black like no other IMO)....case in point Vanity Fair Oscar Party 2006. sampling Sources: nymag, Fashionspot, flickr, gettyimages, supermodels.nl, dna models, style.com
  17. I personally think she looks fantastic in black...I think that it makes her look so sleek and put together. I also love the makeup as it stands out, but is still really fresh. HER SKIN...my gosh! Unfortunately, some of her fans I've been noticing only like her with one type of look, one specific hair color, one cut of dress, one haircut, etc.....it's really not about that if you are a fan of such a dynamic lady as KK. She is not a 19 year old, stick thin mannequin anymore...get over it and appreciate the beauty of growth and change. She already had the phase where she/her agency chose to be the bubbly skinny platinum blonde with long locks and super colorful outfits for the first few years in the industry. I can see how that Barbie type image can get old fast and her desire to try a new image and experiment. She probably doesn't want to get boxed into one type of category anymore and more power to her for it. I think recently she's been wanting to portray herself as the perfect balance of young/fresh and mature/professional...which IMO is working for her. She can do no wrong in my book! I say, keep it up KK!
  18. Coluchka, I've never seen that first photo of KK in Belleza...stunning! Also, an observation....KK only has 306 pages! She has to do MORE MORE MORE so we can add to this! VampireHorde, are you still doing that mass KK post you oh so sweetly promised us before KK's birthday?! No pressure, but I'm dying to see it : ) her myspace page.
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