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About mina

  • Birthday 06/03/1988

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  1. They've done it to Adriana in 2008 and KK in 2010 also. KK in 2010 was especially horrible, she looked like she fell in orange paint!
  2. What second opening? Ale only opened the 2009 show! And she did her best with that horrible outfit and the stupid V-shaped runway!
  3. Maud and her failed attempt to... what is this? A smile?
  4. So it's hard to choose between 2 amazing outfits and a crappy outfit? I don't think she ment it like that. I think it just literally means she's got 2 outfits! #CandiceReturnstoPink
  5. +1 I love it and I think Bee is perfect for the Boho segment, I hope Dri, Ale, Bee, Candice and Elsa all walk Boho, it seems the perfect segment for them True, especially Ale would be perfect.
  6. What's so horrible about Behati's outfit? I think it's cute.
  7. I love that darker hair on Ale. Her outfit is beautiful. She looks great!
  8. No way. The FB is in Fireworks so Lily will close or open. Only because she wears the FB doesn't mean she automaticly will open or close a segment. We had multiple FS's that were presented in the middle of sections
  9. Oh right. Adriana didn't walk with Justin. I somehow was thinking about that backstage clip of her wanting to walk with Justin, that they showed inbetween the segments
  10. From the article that showed Adrianas fitting: Someone needs to do better research. Adrianas first year opening was 2003. She only opened a segment in 2006 with Justin. The next show she opened was 2007 and Justin Timberlake didn't perform there.
  11. Yes I remember. I thought she's gonna grab a microphone and starts giving a sprech, like she just won an Oscar. Really out of place and crinch worthy.
  12. I don't think they will stick Devon in Pink, at least I hope not. She walked only mainline before, so I really hope they don't start putting her into Pink!
  13. If this really is the opening outfit, I actually don't want Adriana to open the show. For once she deserves a decent outfit. Her luck in the recent years with nice outfits was next to none. Her Parisian NIghts oufit was great, but other than that you have to go a few years back to find another good one, that is not hideous oder very ill fitting.
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