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Everything posted by Vahito

  1. Not Helena, Heather Stewart-Whyte, Rebecca Romijn and Claudia Mason ;-)
  2. I thought the 1992 was Avedon even though it didn't look anything like it... I guess the fact that the campaign was called Unforgettable caused the confusion... In any case, that doesn't bother me so much as Avedon was kind of retired when Helena started and he only did few big projects in the 90ies... And yet, here's the quote from Helena...
  3. Thanks again! So annoyed Helena didn't end up in the Versace campaign... but that was expected as the campaign was shot by Meisel ... such a d*ck that man!
  4. ArianaVsCouture you are literally amazing! ;-))) Thanks!
  5. Helena is on the subscribers' cover of HB Spain instagram.com/helenachristensencovers
  6. ArianaVSCouture, thank you so much for this pure gold!
  7. I am not sure I shared it here... this must be Helena's very first cover... Hendes Verden December 1975 Denmark... ;-)))
  8. WOW! Calypso Angel! Thank you so much. I've seen all these covers but didn't know the dates and the resolutions are much better than what I've seen. Thank you so much. And yes, welcome back. You were very much missed on this thread. That IN cover is so stunning. They featured it in her ELLE Denmark interview. I even emailed the magazine to establish the date but they simply ignored me as they often do;-)))
  9. Bon'A Part - Summer - 2015 MyScans
  10. I think it was intentional cos it is on both sides;-)
  11. Thanks for sharing your sentiments;-)))
  12. Thank you, Sheperd! She looks amazing!
  13. WOW! Thank you, Balenciagaaa. Doesn't she looks wonderful!
  14. WOW! These are so stunning... You say they are from 1991? can u specify the season? Thank you!
  15. Great scans Brazilianaffair! Even though I've seen them all it is always good to refresh the memory:-)
  16. Does she just look sensational? some more from the Versace hotel opening in Dubai www.qgitalia.it
  17. World Magazine, Issue 26 - 2013, New Zealand www.issue.com
  18. Voyage Magazine November/December 2013 Sweden www.issuu.com
  19. RESERVED Spring/Summer 2015 US www.issuu.com
  20. AIR Magazine September 2016 UK issu
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