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Everything posted by Laetitiafan

  1. Does anyone have the full pic of this?
  2. Sorry to ask for more help..but I tried going to this site: amazinglaetitia.free.fr as I've seen it listed her a few times but every time I go it says I don't have access. I tried sending the owner an email to be able to gain access, but I'm getting an email error saying that it doesn't exist. Can anyone please help me to log on to this site? Thanks!
  3. Thanks everyone for the welcome:) Rob, I used that second picture in a grundge challenge and came in second. I really do think it should have been first, it's perfect for that theme, but what can you do eh? Hands down, I think she's the prettiest in the competition, that's why I would love to do her justice. She's not bone thin, she has incredible curves, her teeth aren't perfect, yet her smile is. Girl to girl, I love her...and not in a lesbian way either! I just think she's stunning!
  4. Hey there, This is my first post here...but I've been a long time lurker. Anyhow, I'm playing an online Top Model game and have chosen Laetitia as my model. So far, so good. But..I need your help! This next photoshoot is about having a bad hair day while still looking hot, so am looking for any pictures of the sort. Also I am looking for this particular picture without the words repeated atop of it: and/or this picture, but the full one: and this one bigger and clearer if possible: Also, this one without her name in purple across her face: Any help you can provide me with would be hugely appreciated! Thanks so much
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