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Posts posted by Portuguesa

  1. i'm sorry, i wasn't trying to be offensive to people with disorders. but that's just how i feel about them, to me they're sick. i never said the people who ended up having them are disgusting filth and scum lol, i just said that the whole body issue controlling someone is really sick in itself.

    i think it's sad that people enable those kind of thoughts. my mother, just the other day, told me to put down a bag of chips because my weight was 'perfect' and she didnt want me to gain weight lol. who says that to their own child? sure, there is a point where you need to tell your kid to stop eating... like ex if i was 200 lbs then maybe i would understand that but i weigh less then my mother does and i'm taller. i don't understand why people allow themselves to say things to their own kids, its a horrible society we live in.

  2. i dont understand why you guys are telling us what's what! if girls say they prefer something over something else then thats that... why do stats have to do with it?

    i love a good sense of humour. i'm a sarcastic person so if a guy can take my jokes and dish them out to me then i think thats amazing. i like a similar personality to me in all honesty, that whole 'opposites attract' doesnt work imo...

    looks are important i mean, you have to be attracted to your partner, but you can love someones personality so much to just grow to love their looks too!

  3. haha ok there. no need to get statistical. not everything has to do with stats. :)

    moving oooon... besides compassion, i like humour and to be honest looks are important. but a mean, bad-spirited good-looking guy isnt as good to me as a really kind-hearted, funny average-looking guy

  4. youre assuming we're all like that. most men do. simply because of 'tests' and that nonsense. there are shallow women out there, many of them, but there are also shallow men. does that mean im going to think every man thinks that way? no.

    what you have to realize is that just because people here dont vote accordingly to your 'tests' etc it doesnt mean theyre lying.

    being a woman at least tells me that theres at least 1 woman out there who doesnt think the way these tests tell us we do. thats invaluable.

  5. i love my hair. ive always been pretty lucky with it.. because most people in my family dont have naturally nice hair. my sister for ex, shes always had really black frizzy curly out of control hair. when i was a kid, mine was sleek, thick and dark. now its gotten more wavy which is good because i can make it curly now but its not frizzy. im really lucky. i can easily make it blown out like the models do.

    im thinking about dying it black though. its not quite black but i think going that extra step could make it look even better?

  6. i hate eating disorders, theyre sick.

    and im really glad ive never had one.

    a year ago or two i was obsessed with being 120 lbs. i was even there and i remember thinking i was too big! wtf! i'm 128 now and i notice im perrrrfect. i wouldnt go any thinner. and its really sad how girls starve themselves because curves are beautiful and healthy.

    and yeah 128 lbs at 5'8 may be super thin to other people but for me its actually perfect. i could even gain weight if i wanted to and still look good. my body is very toned so im lucky that i dont look like just fat all over me, its toned and i like that. and not to mention i have a chest and a butt so im not super thin or anything.

  7. I've been told by a few people that I resemble Adriana but I disagree. Plus, so many people think they resemble Adriana and they don't... I think I have similar eyes to her (shape wise) and maybe the face shape is a bit similar, and I know I have full lips but I don't necessarily think I look like her.

    I have been told Monica Bellucci once and Sophia Loren as well but I definitely do NOT look like Sophia Loren. I have seen a few pictures of Monica that resembled me a bit though.

  8. i remember when i was younger and i was more flat, i was very comfortable with it and i never ever wanted boobs. but now that im more grown up and actually have them, im grateful for them. but would i have wanted a boob job if i was flat? probably not, i was happy with what i had. i'm a (big i think) c, so i definitely do not need one :) people usually get boob jobs to get to my size.

    and there's no need for it. women with small chests can be just as attractive. it's unnecessary.

  9. victoria_secret_sexy_book_vol3_045.jpg

    Look at the brooding sky, the ferocious sea and her vicious posture. Ah, she looks like some kind of thunder goddess.

    I wish I could have this picture in a huge, panoramic format taking up an entire wall in my living room.

    Pure awesomeness :D

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