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Everything posted by carmellababe

  1. i was looking through some of the old pages, and in early december we learn Alessandra has a new boyfriend. She must have given that guy his dream PRETTY fast if she's preggo now
  2. can someone give me the full photo with all of the angels or is it just Alessandra, Izabel, and Miranda?
  3. Ive been giving you and I LOVE ANA alot of backup and respect. so dont think im fighting against you here.
  4. Ok, to the people jumping on the Ana fans. Back off a bit ok? I would be upset if Miranda and Adriana werent their but they are. I like Ana also and Ana means alot to them so do give them a break, they are wasting space or anything, the actual runway photo's havent even got here and I agree with what they said, if you dont like what they are doing, dont read their post.
  5. Personally I hate Alessandra'a voice. But one thing I do love is how much they use Miranda now, I cant wait to see what she's doing this year because last year I thought she was by far the best in the PINK section.
  6. all i know is that Adriana is once again more stunning than Alessandra. I dont know why the keep giving all of the spotlight to Alessandra.
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