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Posts posted by BarbaraFan

  1. I think I read somewhere that the Cosmo Bride issue is printed every 4th month.

    And about the new pics. I like her in the red and the green dresses. Most in the green. But the blue? No, not really. Especially the hair doesn't like good on the pics.

  2. I agree with Reeyo. I think (and I hope) Peyman never was her agent at IMG (I don't like him *don't know why*).

    And here some good news. Some fans wrote some questions in the forum at the fan-homepage. And the webmasters of the page send the questions to Barbara. So, perhaps we get somenews in a few days!

  3. In my eyes it is a little bit funny, that Kotuglu only worked with Lena - winner of cycle one - when she was the host of Austrias next topmodel!?!? Looks like he didn't see her as a real model. But Barbara ... yes, she is!

  4. I hope you liked my suprise ;)

    And about the editorial pics: It's very sad that we can't read the written things clearly. But I thing after the numbers there is "TL" what stands for "Turkish Lira". if this ist right, that means, that they are shown in an turkish magazin.

  5. I'm also thinking that the journey was organized by model management.

    And now I'm waiting for news! Normally Barbara wrotes every week something new on her homepage. So let's cross fingers!

    And now a drink for anyone here post-17536-0-1446055685-25643_thumb.gif Why? I finished yesterday, after 4,5 years, my studies :hell yea!: Now you can call me Master of Education. Yeah!

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