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Everything posted by Weiland

  1. Weiland

    Now Playing

    Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Lumessakahlaajat
  2. I liked her opinions about fashion world that she expressed earlier in the Iltalehti. I'd say she's pretty smart.
  3. Weiland

    Now Playing

    Depeche Mode - Nothing (I this song)
  4. I wouldn't wish Helly on my worst enemy.
  5. irenistiQ, you might get a glimpse of Helly in some ABB youtube-clips.
  6. Weiland

    Now Playing

    HIM - Wicked Game Nice cover imo.
  7. I love the gum boots she's wearing in those pics that Ana Beatriz Barros Fan posted.
  8. Doesn't anyone have any idea how is she doing nowadays? Why would she quit modeling at her mid-twenties? Met a rich guy and got married? Naahh...
  9. If she had her teeth fixed, she'd be absolutely perfect. Her smile is intriguing, when her mouth is closed. A little like Mona Lisa smile, but with more warmth. And I think I'm a bit drunk, by the way. So please don't take me too seriously. ZZz
  10. She's probably my favourite, but sometimes I think she should gain just a little bit more weight. In other respects she's great. And please don't kill me for saying this.
  11. Thank's a lot guys! I used to have that Gant catalogue, but lost it somehow. Silly me. I had forgotten how amazing she looks in those pics.
  12. Is there any way someone could post all her Gant catalogue pics? I'd appreciate it.
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