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Everything posted by Ross83

  1. Yes, of course.. once you're VIP, the PPV posts are even more expensive. You get to pay $100-$200 for your non-nude PPV crap, cause she already knows she's got a sucker.
  2. Edited to shit, why must clint ruin everything he touches? She should go back to working with trungywin, or jess
  3. Me too please? I'll cashapp $10 to say thanks, include your @
  4. Oh my god, $79 for those? I appreciate what you're doing, but save your money dude. Censoring a nipple, at that price... come on now Charly..
  5. Thanks Pith. dang, Charly not being too generous with the image resolution.. people are payin $15 for a few NN pics and they're 960x960? err
  6. I'd pay for Charly content but it would have to be hot as hell. She's been teasing for years and it gets boring when there's no payoff. I'd pay for a strip tease for instance, cute outfit -> lingerie -> brief nudity. or like a tryon haul where we actually see her put it on and take it off. Problem is that even if she does it, she'll charge $500 and literally no one will buy it, so no one will ever see. Gotta charge $30 and a thousand people buy it, easy $30k for her every time. I have zero expectation of this happening.
  7. well yeah, every hottie eventually poses nude. but only after it's Too Late
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