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Everything posted by pautinka

  1. wow, truly memorizing... there is something about her movement I always enjoy, when it is romantic and feminine...
  2. When you look at the gallery (second link) and the magnifier function, you can see Natalia's facial pigmentation/freckles? I was surprised to see them!! http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/daily/110525-v...-natalia-v.aspx http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/daily/110525-v...-v/gallery.aspx NATALIA VODIANOVA, Raquel Zimmermann and Edie Campbell are among top models to star in a new collection of black and white untouched images, celebrating the official launch of Viva Model agency in London. Each of the company's girls has been photographed by Scott Trindle - without any make-up, hair or styling. "It doesn't scare me that the images aren't retouched, it adds another layer of interest and intrigue," Trindle told us. "I'm as guilty of a slight polish in post as any, but having beautiful woman sit by a window doesn't fill me with unease. The fear that surrounds an un-retouched image is quite amazing - and again I'm no martyr. So much can be adapted in post, and so I suppose the main benefit is its purity." Over the past year, each model has been asked to have their portrait taken by Trindle when visiting London - a slightly less glamorous setting than some may have been used to: in his Dalston flat. "I suppose there is a level of irony having supermodels like Natalia and Raquel traipse through a £5 carwash and a cloud of Angel's barbecued jerk fumes, and I can't deny buying some flowers on the odd occasion to lighten the setting," the photographer said. "Even after three flights of stairs everyone was really receptive, and I think on the odd occasion welcomed the break from a hectic schedule of go-sees." Viva's director Natalie Hand is thrilled with the results. "His images stood out because it was just so interesting and rare for us to see the girls like that; he shot them with no additional hair, make-up or styling," she explained. "They were shot exactly as they were in person, exactly how they were when they walked through his door. And they looked really beautiful. The blemishes added to their charm. And you could definitely learn something about the model's real character from the pictures."
  3. I enjoy the idea of Untouched - so refreshing compared to the hundreds photo-brushed images of these beautiful young women. Even Natalia's little bruise on the leg looks cute and realistic. I like her facial expression - contemplative and calm.
  4. she looks so lovely. I love her outfit color/pattern - so modern and simple- and her loosely curled (and brushed!) hair. Want see more pics!! was this dinner recently?
  5. French-speaking fans - please translate this L'Officiel Paris, Juin-Juillet 2011 thank you for posting these images, acfr!
  6. nonetheless, you are absolutely correct, it means the son of tzar. I just did not understand Eos' discussing "About the story of Katya and the tzarevitch....again something against Justin ? For sure he is not stupid, far from being so.... Maybe it simply does not represent Justin. Maybe Russia ? Poor children in Russia ? But the ending "itch" sounds manly no ? perhaps just for men ?". Futile discussion it is, you are right, acfr1968! we've had so many and probably because of these half-baked stories
  7. Eos, I am not sure I understand what you meant about "itch" in tzarevitch..? I am also increasingly annoyed about the negative portrayal of Justin in the most recent interviews/reports about Natalia. It's just such a low-brow type of writing, in my view, it's an analog of no court for accused ones - he is not there to explain his side and no one is interested in representing it. In this case (especially since they both seem to have chosen to be hush-hush about their whole domestic situation), I think, Natalia should refrain from even hint dropping, especially to the Russian press which is inclined to back her up anyway. Another aspect of showing how clever of a businesswoman Natalia is: the article mentioned that an album entitled "Fairy Tale" will be displayed at the White Ball (with Natalia wearing these dresses) and those guests who will spend more than $100,000 (!!) bidding on any of these gowns will be gifted a signed original picture from Roversi or other photographers.
  8. ha-ha - I must say, Natalia and Lara are such a striking contrast in terms of their bust volumes that it is truly comical to see them standing so close to each other! <_<
  9. As per usual, I have to agree with most of the above except that you CANNOT also know that when Lucas was a baby and his family left her to care for the baby by herself for what was only 2 hrs. Why do you say "certainly"? We know nothing, maybe it was a common occasion. I personally think that the family might have expected nannies and nurses from the very beginning (it seems to be frequent in rich families) and at that point Natalia did not want a stranger near the baby so she was near baby-Lucas constantly (this kind of upbringing without help is the most common in Russia) and certainly needed help of the father with that. What I agree 100% with is the fact that there is Justin's side of the story as well, which needs to be considered and it not in any way represented in any of these articles.
  10. Guys, sorry that I did not include previously the exact words but I just wanted to clarify something and not mislead you. It does not sound from the article that Justin himself did not like to answer the phone calls coming from Russia, it just said that the calls in general were not welcome. It is in the very first paragraph, which would translate literally to: "I have Natalia's phone number for about 10 yeas, since the time of her St.-Petersburg's wedding. I did not often phoned Natalia because the second viscount Justin Trevor Berkley Portman did not exactly like his wife's countrymen. Now, it appears, one can dial 12-digit number without worry to cause someone dissatisfaction" . So you can see now that he did not like the people calling from Russia, and not just having to answer them himself (which could be due to shyness, you are right). Which is very strange, but maybe some of those countrymen behaved inappropriately towards Natalia or displayed not very civil manners. I want to refrain to jumping to any conclusions about Justin on this point since so little information is provided and simply because I remember in the past noticing myself pictures of Natalia hanging out with slightly questionable characters in Russia. But they certainly qualified questionable to me, not to everyone! In terms of the valence of "I feel like a different person" - there is absolutely nothing in the article that could give a hint as to whether it sounded gloomy or positive, absolutely none. the author asks how she's been and she says what I already translated for you ("Well, you probably know. In the last 1.5 year I have been feeling like a different person..."). It is a conundrum and it is clear she prefers to keep it this way But the event (The White Fairy Tale Love Ball) at the Valentino's mansion sounds like heaven for her fans - Natalia already modeled all of the 45 dresses that she asked to create for the purposes of auctioning. She initially planned the event to take place in Russia but it was Anna Wintour who suggested an easier way for the guests - during the upcoming haute couture shows in July, in France, since everyone will be already there. Natalia distributed brightly-illustrated Russian folk story books among the designers she personally knows and respects and asked the dresses to be based on these stories and reflect their fairytale heritage. Natalia in all of these dresses has been already photographed mainly by Paolo Roversi (although the shot you see on the Tatler's cover in the lilac Stella McCartney's dress is shot by Mert and Marcus) and pictures were given to Tatler and Vogue magazines. Couture creations will be sold at a Christie's auction and money will be used for NHF causes (building playgrounds in Russia). There is one interesting parallel, brought up by the author. One of the tales from these Russian books has a heroine poor Katya, who after a difficult childhood looses her last relative (old babushka), and sets out to find her lost tzarevitch (the article says "you get who it is exactly"), who has been bewitched by a cold evil witch (embodied by Tilda Winton for the shoot). Katya even has three matryoshki (Natalia's three children!). She looks for her tzarevitch in her dress and sandals in dark cold woods - and this refers to the shot of her on the first page of the article in the McQuinn's dress and heels. Curious point is that the Russian word chosen to describe this frozen tzarevitch is definitely a bit derogatory ("отморозок"). If I was to explain its meaning, I'd say it is somebody whose brains are frozen, not exactly a sharp and intelligent person. This completely raised my brows since before whenever Justin has been mentioned, there was always an acknowledgement of his intellect and bright persona. That's pretty much it.
  11. Hmm... so, why hasn't she confirmed the obvious yet, I wonder...? She is always dropping the hints, but never admits the separation. In fact, she goes all the way to deny it. Thanks, pautinka! I agree, and even here, you cannot put a valence onto her words - she has been feeling like a different person (literal translation) - liberated, lonely, good, bad?..
  12. wow, thanks so much! Mainly it is about the upcoming White Love Ball (July 6, Paris, Valentino's mansion), which sounds absolutely amazing in its idea and effort, but the first page is quite shocking, raised my brows.... The author seems to be very familiar with Natalia (in fact she has a nickname for him Crocodile, because his first name is Gena and crocodile Gena is the famous cartoon character in Russian animation, my own little 2-year old son is in love with him currently) - from at least about 10 years ago but could not call her that often in the past because... Here is the first shocker, it says that in the past Justin never welcomed Russian phone calls to Natalia. But now, "one can dial Natalia's home without hesitation", implication being that Justin is out of the house, of course. Second, to answer "how have you been ?" Natalia says: "Well, you probably know. In the last 1.5 year I have been feeling like a different person..."
  13. I second that - don't see anything that needs to be eliminated. Everyone decides on his/her own which products they like/need. For example, though I eat healthy, exercise, and do not smoke, I also take multi-vitamins. I do not see how that questions anything in Natalia's beauty routine... It seems strange that one should expect the views of health and nutrition to be similar across people. Many people take nutritional supplements in no connection to their smoking or non-smoking. Maybe she does it to boost the health of her nails and hair? Anyways, given that she birthed and breastfed three children, I very much doubt that she puffs cigarettes like an average chain-smoker.
  14. What does her occasional smoking have to do with her makeup product choices? What would be eliminated? I do not think we have evidence to assert that she is a habitual serious smoker. The only relation that I see is between her doing Guerlain campaigns and some of the products she revealed she uses... But she's done that before - with L'Oreal and CK products.
  15. Thank you, meloni_xmy! these are great! I like Natalia's look in the editorial and she seemed having fun on the set.
  16. I agree with what sunshine said. The dress is not made for a bra and the side cuts in the shoulder/chest area are a bit too large. I think the dress would be more fitting on someone with more meat on and fat in the breasts to fill the space which flops around freely up. But this is between Natalia and FCosta. I also agree that Natalia is fashionably sophisticated enough to understand that and thus, this is probably intentional and I too am not sure she needs this sort of attention. I tend not to spend too much time paying attention to her faux-pas, though it is a bit disappointing, it sort of falls under the category of "Natalia being confused and lost a bit at the moment". But sometimes, I think maybe she is not confused and lost, she has stylists, access to so many options and this should represent quite closely who and what she is. And this is okay too, since she is still young and also entitled to risky statements like many other models are. I guess I mean, being a mother to three children should not really affect her modeling behavior - or should it? This is in itself is a thoroughly debatable topic, I know It's just a dress, after all... Basically, it is not enough for me to start leaping to all sorts of judgements.
  17. Thank you, ariti! I'm really, really in love with this editorial!
  18. I had to go to the very early pages (e.g., p. 22 has lots of HQ but not very good angle displaying the ring, but you can get an idea). also, you can watch this video and when she cooks her cabbage soup, you can get a clear image of her beautiful ring: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9cXzAq3DB4...feature=related Posting some images here:
  19. Good question. I was actually hoping that you, or pautinka or eos could tell me anything about the rings. Does she wear a wedding band? I don't much pay attention to details like that, but this time around I did. Anyone...?
  20. God, can't wait for HQs from the CK party - Natalia is made for F. Costa's esthetics!! Hopefully, we will also see her on the red carpet!
  21. Thank you for Natalia's candids! It is so rare that we see her in airports and get a sense of her traveling style... I must say that Natalia to me looks tired, overworked and a bit too thin lately. I do think she looks cuter when plumper just a bit more, her youthful looks come back then... But it is amazing how she works a professional camera and transforms into a gorgeous, beautiful swan in editorials and covers.
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