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    Andrew Cooper, Will Chalker, Jamie Dornan, Brandon Flowers, Adam Lambert, Andrei Arshavin, Andrei Shevchenko, Robert Pattinson.

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  1. great pics everyone, thanks!! anyone know why they were all dressed up in those outfits?!
  2. OMG - DROP.DEAD.GORGEOUS! Thanks Coop!
  3. WOW! Those BOSS ones are amazing...thanks for posting!
  4. I completely agree with you!
  5. Yay! Thanks Fergetta! That pic of him with Ballack is funny, lol.
  6. Sorry to double post but does anyone know when the English version of Arshavin's official website will be available...it's been so long now that I am considering learning to read Russian! www.arshavin.com
  7. thanks for the new pics dziubalek88! are they recent? he looks very happy with his wife...damn it!...lol, just kidding.
  8. Thank you Fergetta! Andriy looks gorgeous as always, but I preferred his "Chelsea" hair, lol, when it was much shorter and darker.
  9. Thanks for the news Sandy! Great to finally see him back in the limelight! I'm sure he'll be happy back with Dynamo.
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...sea/8226989.stm He's left Chelsea...
  11. Andrei has 2 children...his son Artem and a daughter name Yana if I'm not mistaken the name.... thank you lovemoro!
  12. so gorgeous... Does anyone know if Andriy has two children, or just his son, Artem? I'm so glad he transferred to a well known English club because it means I get to see him in the papers so much more! He is now very famous in England! YAY!
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