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  1. sory if repost. and this is the advertisement
  2. thanks all
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrpfCCIKf1E...feature=related turkish advertisement with Candice
  4. thank you very much
  5. I like her. who is she ? whats her name ?
  6. what's her name?
  7. who's this pretty girl?
  8. hehehehee:D nice try Joe
  9. I liked her. who is she? plzz plzzzz
  10. Hi. I found that pic in a website . but there wasn't any name about the girl. I really liked her. Who is she ? Is she a model? Thanks.
  11. ÖzGe


    hi turk, I'm added a lot of pic from Var mısın Yok musun. Thanks for info.
  12. ÖzGe


    Adriana was Var Mısın Yok Musun sunday night. It's Turkish reality show. She was so cute, real angel. I love her too muchhh
  13. Adrina coming to Turkey for Turkish reality show Var mısın Yok Musun ON 25th January. News in this link http://adrianaflima.com/updates.html . Plz someone record this show.
  14. Thanks for idea but I didn't find any info about her
  15. ÖzGe


    Adriana Lima will come to Turkey for tv show "Var Mısın Yok Musun", on 23th November.
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