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About Cupid

  • Birthday 10/31/1917

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  1. Lyon

    Happy Birthday ^_^

  2. I know it probably doesn't mean anything to you as strangers, but it makes me feel good inside when people are happy and in harmony. My whole life I introduced and made love connections for my male and female friends, hence why people call me "Cupid". Unfortunately along this path, I left myself out of love's equation. Valentine's Day, ............I need to get a life again. From one stranger to another, may all your hopes and dreams come true and may you have a prosperous and fullfilling life, especially when you can share it with someone. PEACE, *Cupid*
  3. nah, its the wierd-ass stalker guy who's Troll-ing me "wierd-ass stalker guy"? Wait a minute...who's the first one who gave me a pic of boobies with a couple of cherries dangling on a nipple? Ok Grandma Moses, you want me to stalk you? Here, I have to give you a gift first: NOW you can allege that I was stalking you. But remember, YOU stalked me first. and thanks for sending me this pic of yourself, but NO MORE pics of you please
  4. and to all the freaks like me who are nah-té eyes_wide_shut :evil:
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