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  1. Nope. Mine I just can't wait to see him again Jared + Babies =
  2. Emesele

    Sophie Monk

    Sophie Monk is in the Blink 182 Video 'Always' I know it's old but anyway! Link of the video on Youtube : And the first pictures of the tread are fakes...
  3. Hum. My fave movie of him is HIGHWAY with *obviously* Jared Leto and Selma Blair. I've liked Brokeback Mountain a lot and I also think that Jarhead is humm.. ^^' anyway. Here are some pictures of him, credits to www.jake-online.org I'm still bad at posting pictures..Could someone explain to me how to insert thumbnails ? http://jake-online.org/gallery/albums/Phot...photoshoot1.jpg http://jake-online.org/gallery/albums/Phot...photoshoot5.jpg From Highway Sorry couldn't find promotionnal pictures
  4. Please just don't compare two different types of music. And Jared screams sometimes like on The Kill, Attack and some other names... But he can also sing! Did you ever hear him singing The Kill on accoustic? He has a beautiful voice And to me, 30STM is a bunch of hotties (I don't know if I can say it that way lol^^). Leto Brothers (Jared and Shannon) and Tomo are incredibly hot. And even better Live! And I miss Mattie And by the way, Jared's going in Montreal September 8th for the filming of Mr.Nobody, so No he didn't quit his acting career, and he already said that he won't.
  5. Hello... Owww.. I like seen every picture in here a thousand times each. Here is a gif made by me, I'm bad at doing gifs, sorry if it isn't great. For info, it is into the 12th episode of MSCL. Here is a picture..I don't think it's a repost, but anyway here it is. I think it was taken in 2005 or 2006. And by the way sorry if it is too big I don't know how to put thumbnails >.< I'll try to find the pictures I've took with him and Shannon..I really hope I'll find them ^^
  6. Hello! My name is Maryann. I'm new here, but I know this website for a long time now. I like to play music, write songs, poetry...I'm obsessed by Celebrities [in a good way] and I... I hate doing presentations like that because I never know what to say..And I say it bad So.. I have a crush.. [i'm simply obsessed lol] on Jared Leto since My So-Called Life [yeah. I was like 4 years old when I seen him for the first time on TV...And I never stopped loving him <3] I am into the Echelon since the start of it, I'm completely obsessed by the band, seen them two times in Montreal [November 2006 and March 2007] (..I could talk about 30 Seconds to Mars for years so I'll continue on another thing..) My fave model is Kemp Muhl. I don't have a real 'Top 5' for women. It continuously changes..But I like those girls who are still simple and naturals. I also like Claire Danes (My So-Called Life, obviously) but I prefered her with her red color..But she grew up, I guess. Blah blah blah. I could talk for hours, years and centuries I guess, so I'll just stop.. So this is me.
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