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Posts posted by TooBoku

  1. Well... if there's a lot of moisture in the room, what you'll get is a dustcake inside the fins of your CPU heatsink. It's completely and utterly disgusting and it's a very common thing. You got to look under the fan and if it's there you got to pull the heat sink off, take the fan off the heatsink and literally scrape the dustcake off. Get as much as you can off of it and then screw the fan back onto the heatsink and put the heatsink back on the cpu.

    or... if you find that too disgusting, you can always buy a new cheap cpu cooler for like $20.

    Make sure you've touched something metal before you do it though. You don't want any static build up on you.

    What are you running anyway? Pentium 4 HT?

  2. Hahahaha nice!

    I think I used a couple who aren't well known enough for most people to get it.


    So, Natla is on vaccation, in disguise of course, just minding her own business playing slots. She's loosing though. Big time and she's forced to pay off her debt by performing in the circus. So she's there trying to make some money riding a unicycle and juggling bowling pins when all of a sudden the ground splits open and out comes Kerrigan who is intent on infesting all the humans. Natla, who wants the world for her own absolute rule feels threatened and challenges Kerrigan to a fight. It's too late for a fair fight at this point as Kerrigan had already sent a dozen or so infested humans at her to explode. There's blood and guts everywhere and now Natla is pissed because her suite is ruined. She sends a doppleganger after Kerrigan but it looks more like the human Kerrigan.... hehe... to be continued.

  3. These are the rules:

    Summer Glau does not get bumped down to the 2nd page.


    Make that... Summer Glau does not get bumped down to the 2nd half of the 1st page...


  4. Hottie? That's all?

    I often use her proportions to test out the accuracy/margin of error when I design high precision floating point standards for my algorhythem assignments.

  5. Voting Closed.


    Cathering Weaver: 12

    Seven of Nine: 6

    The T-1001 wins!

    Next fight...

    You can vote up to three times per round but each time you vote, you must narrate your move. For example: Seven of Nine fires phaser rifle at Catherine Weaver (Seven + 1), Catherine Weaver pokes Seven of Nine in the head with her super long and sharp finger (Catherine +2)

    Sarah Kerrigan


    post-16106-0-1446084184-15939_thumb.jpg QueenOfBlades.jpg post-16106-0-1446084184-2038_thumb.jpg post-16106-0-1446084184-25094_thumb.jpg

    - From Starcraft videogame series

    - Self proclaimed "Queen of Blades"

    - Formerly a human, now she is infested by the Zerg

    - Broke poor Jimmy Rayner's heart... along with TooBoku's

    - Powers include powerful melee attacks, psychic abilities, stealth abilities, and a medussa like stare

    Best feature: Ability to telepathically control a Zerg swarm

    Weakness: Space marines and firebats




    th_Natla.jpg post-16106-0-1446084184-27894_thumb.jpg th_Natla.jpg

    - From Tomb Raidervideogame series

    - Former Queen of Atlantis, now banned

    - Owns multi-billions dollar Natla Dorporation

    - Extensive knowledge of ancient mythology and technology

    - Can fly and hurl fireballs

    Best feature: The ability to summon beasts from hell

    Weakness: Lara Croft

    Arena: Circus Circus in Las Vegas



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