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  1. sheebshag


    Asian girl transforms herself into Adrina Lima using nothing but make-up: Pretty crazy.
  2. sheebshag


    Have you guys seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrW68jCy9pc...feature=related It's a 5 HOUR long video of Adriana waving a flag in super slow-motion and high definition quality. In other words, heaven.
  3. sheebshag


    I should learn to read properly.
  4. sheebshag


    This? http://www.adrianalimanude.net/content/img...ingerie-718.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JSsspfA0hN8/Tg3Z...driana-lima.jpg Or this? http://fullhdwallpapers.info/wp-content/up...-lima-chest.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS...ukPRzoCWdwACEUf I also like this: http://media.mademan.com/chickipedia/uploa...umb_585x795.jpg
  5. Those x-mas candids are some of the best candids I've seen of Adriana in years. Maybe ever. Just gorgeous.
  6. I do too, she loooks amazing, but is it just me or did she get veeners or something, because her teeth are looking straighter than ever, they resemble Ale's who I know for a fact has veeners Are we looking at the same pictures? Her teeth look the same to me... Her booty is looking amazing, lol. She must be doing squats or her skirt does wonders. The way she smiles is the same but something about her teeth look..better, idk if they are whiter or taller just overall straighter but I do know her teeth share a stronger resemblence to Ale's now. (look at the older pic) Either way her smile just looks REALLY beautiful and radiant, Why don't you compare that first picture (old one) with this one: http://fastpic.ru/view/27/2011/0909/e135f4...421d22.jpg.html Her teeth look exactly the same as always.
  7. What pictures? Have they been removed? I assume it's not the ones of Adriana on the beach with Valentina...
  8. And her father's eyes. Nice pictures.
  9. Unfortunately the little girl took after her father. Or is it just me?
  10. Wow, she looks so different in that pic. Very beautiful cover.
  11. sheebshag


    She wasn't badmouthed in 2005, meaning she was right on point then. Thank you. I haven't posted much this year as I'm not as big of fan as I used to be, but I'm pretty sure the majority of my posts this year have been positive. I came here because there was a story about the VS show and Adriana in a local newspaper here (otherwise I had totally forgotten about the show), and just wanted to see how she looked this year and what outfits she wore. And while Adriana hasn't improved over the years, certainly neither has the show so she's not entirely to blame. Outfits and make-up just seem to get worse every year...
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