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Status Updates posted by alien777

  1. ahahah that could only happen to you Helen omg. Well I'm so glad to read your funny comments... I missed them. Yes as soon as you upload those pictures let me know, so I can see them :). A big hugg

  2. by the way te ves guapisima... Esta muy linda chamita :) :)

  3. Ay muchas gracias Guadalupe. I love my sister. Omg its been so long since we last spoke. How have you been? How did the dance go? Anyways... Thank you for your comment

    UN BESITO!!! :)


  4. OMG its great to hear from you again. I'm so sorry that day I couldn't talk to you, I had so much to do!!! I'm so sorry France was so unpleasant, its been pretty hot here as well, just not so humid as usual. Well I expect many pictures from your summer. Have a safe and fun time for the both of us.

    JORGE :)

  5. My Helen I miss you so much, my day hasn't been the same without reading your funny comments.

    I hope your safe and having fun in France. Remember to bring me the French Toast lol.

    Bye :)

  6. OMG my arms are killing me I just counted. LOL we have 28 windows... I just finished now. Well I'm sorry we couldn't talk at all. I really wanted too. Have fun in France, take lots of pictures so I can see them.

    :) :) :)

  7. OMG you don't know how much I miss you my friend!!!! Its been way to long since we last spoke. I'm going over your house right now and demand my song ahahah j/k don't get scared now. I hope your alright... :)


  8. HEY YOU!!!! I posted the sketch of my sister and me on the peeps thread. So how are you? Whats going on?


  9. Bella, turn your computer off and go to the beach!!!! You need a break!!!!

    Go and enjoy your weekend, breath the ocean air for me!



  10. I see... I just wanted to know if you were fine. I'm so sorry your busy :( Wish I could help you, although I know nothing of architecture. Have a great weekend!!!

  11. Ohhh, I forgot to ask you!!! How did the piano test go? I can only hope that it went well, and you didn't have to... You know!!! OMG lol so gross. Well I hope you have a great weekend my dear helen.

  12. Darling I miss you so much!!!! HOW are you? I hope you are good and beautiful as usual. Love you very much sweet heart. :) :)



  13. LOL Yeah I was kind of bored, so I thought I would just show my sister some tricks her brother knew in his younger years when he was a street thug ahahah j/k. I personally hate wearing a suite, although it does make me feel like james bond... I'm glad you had a great time sweet helen.

  14. You went to the ball without me!!! I cant believe you, I rented my tux and everything. I learned how to ride the bike so I can pick you up on it :( ahahaha. Lol, yes thats my little sister's bike, I borrowed it so I can do some cool tricks (yeah right).

  15. hola my friend!!! Just dropping by to say hi!!! and let you know I learned how to ride a bike...

  16. No No No, not at all. You have been a joy!!! Today I played taxi for the last day. My sister is quiting her job today. Thank GOD lol, she wants to look around for something better, because its costing more on gas taking her than what she is making. I'm quite bored to be honest. As you can see I changed my pic!!!

  17. We didn't speak today, I think I'm going to faint, ahahah j/k... Hope your alright and doing well. BYE!!!!!

  18. hahaha your so funny!!! Yes that is someone I look up too, Mr. Howard Hughes THE AVIATOR! So what are you up too? I had to take my sister to the dentist, thats why I didn't answer on msn. Well I'm online now!

  19. Hey there friend!!!!

  20. Just kidding!!!!!!!

  21. Nurse I don't feel good!!! I have an owie!!!

  22. Feel better princess...

    I'll give you a head rub.. :) :)

  23. I'm as quick as they come, ahaha. Well right now I'm not working 24 hours, my hours are so inconsistent lol

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