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  1. acmilan


    Rafa is a hell of a coach He always has success in Europe. Liverpool does not have the best individual players in the world, as compared to Barca, Madrid, Milan, or Chelsea, but Rafa has a system that all his players believe in which make them extremely dangerous, and one of the best teams in the world They made 2 CL finals in 3 years, he's gotta be doing something right, even if it is a defensive system
  2. acmilan


    yay!! join the club!! :voodoo: :voodoo: evil alert :evil: Hahahahaha :evil:
  3. acmilan


    It is true Liverpool play a way more defensive game than Milan does But it does work for them, Damn you Benitez :persuazn: Milan have played much more boring, ultra-defensive games in recent years than the 'Pool. The two AC Milan-PSV games of two seasons ago. The games against Ajax four season ago. The ultra-dull Juventus-AC Milan CL final. Yeah, but that's like 4 games in 4 seasons, normally Milan games are quite exiting, well maybe it's just me cause I'm a Milan fan
  4. acmilan


    I've been pretty good, I've just been so busy lately with work and school. How have you been? I usually play defence, and outdoor starts in 3 weeks I don't know how much I can teach you but Vidic has been pretty good (Y) He just wasn't fit for the game against Milan cause Kaka burned him quite a few times Juve has been linked with everyone, so I don't know who they are really after :rofl: He has been a very good addition though, he has 7 goals since his move I know they always gotta wear there whites all the time in CL Final, Burlesconi thinks it's lucky, you would think after the last time they played Liverpool they would go for the red and blacks this time <_< I hope your right and Liverpool doesn't win
  5. acmilan


    It is true Liverpool play a way more defensive game than Milan does But it does work for them, Damn you Benitez :persuazn:
  6. acmilan


    yay!! join the club!! :voodoo: :voodoo:
  7. acmilan


    Let's get it on I know most of there D wasn't fit, but still when Ferdinand is your star defender, there is some problems Yeah, I really like Heinze but he really strugled over the 2 legs It's not exactly a 4-3-2-1, but it's a version of it, in which they keep changing throughout the match At times it's a 4-4-2, than it's a 4-5-1, and than it's a 4-3-2-1 Now only if Ronaldo wasn't cup tied :anger: He has been playing extremely well as of late :voodoo:
  8. acmilan


    He's finally learning how to coach He switched to the Christmas Tree formation, which I have always said that it fits Milan the best, as Pirlo dosen't have to do a lot of defending with Gattuso and Ambrosini beside him
  9. acmilan


    Milan is class Even Seedorf has come on as of late Man U defense is dreadfull, they let in some really easy goals over the 2 legs, I doubt Liverpool is gonna let such easy goals Man U really need to address there back line for next year, because it was obvious Brown and O'Shea arn't cut out, and the loss of Evra really hurt them I think
  10. acmilan


    Hey guys I'm back, I'm sorry I've just been so busy as of late I had to come back now, so me and Ed can get it on
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