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Ewing's Fan

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Posts posted by Ewing's Fan

  1. QUOTE FF: "And now that I know you have mad videoskillz... I was wondering... do you know any way to maybe save and then edit the vide on Veronique Droulez's homepage? The one with Megan doing runway in between a lot of skanky people shaking their butts? Because the Megan parts = good and the skanky people parts = OMG MY EYES. I was hoping to maybe skip them and go straight to Megan with an edited video."

    maybe you can send me the link of the video...i can try but what i did of megan was actually my first time :p so i'm pretty unsure about my so called vid skills :p but i can certainly try

  2. whoelse heard about the bezerk story that aishwarya rai met with an accident and died after sustaining massive injuries to her head? btw its not true...she's still alive and well and shooting for a new hindi movie in india!! just wanted to know whoelse heard it?

  3. what about gisele!!but on TRL, KK totally mode the oatmeal look sexy, gisele did a fairly good job too but adriana flunked it....i would consider her to be one of the most sexiest angel but she totally proved me wrong :p i'm only kidding...i wont judge her ability to ooze sex just coz she didnt manage to get her libido working on TRL :p but damien was toally checking her out...more so than the other 2 infact!! wutcha'll think?

  4. well yeah sure it's really up to an individual on what they would describe as perfect but its human nature for us to judge on everything we see...you know...like when we see a model's face upclose...i mean in a poster...for exapmle a mug shot..we would actually analyse her face and go "ohh so one side of her face is actually slightly longer than the other but no matter, i still think she's the most gorgeous" and even perhaps "wow, even models arent as symmetrical" or something. it dont matter whether you like or dislike the model but i'm sure you can tell from seeing one of these models who would have the most traits of having a "perfect" face!! you know symmetrical and stuff!! sometimes a model with lovely big eyes arent as gorgeous as a model with small feline shaped eyes...take adriana lima for example...her eyes are small but people still consider her to be having one of the most gorgeous face in the industry!! so perfect does not alwayz translate to being most beautiful or most gorgeous!!

  5. ok this might be uncalled for but i dont know how most of ya'll can go around saying alessandra has a very masculine face when she looks way more feminine than gisele....i havent heard anyone say anything about gisele's face being masculine(or maybe i just havent been around enough)!!! but my point is, apart from a very square jaw line, i dont see anything manly about her face...she's got a thin petite nose and small features!! i however chose ana cause i feel she is better looking

  6. wow she only came in 12th?? i think its coz her popularity dropped this year and i'm pretty sure the stripping scene in taxi got gisele the 1st place :p not to mention breaking up with leo....huge story and the leo going after a clone....showing he couldnt get over her!! or maybe gentlemen do prefer blondes :p well whatever it is i somehow feel gisele did deserve it...oops wrong place to have said this!! :p

  7. i thought this was the picture on you avatar...btw the picture of megan in you current avatar was the first picture i saw of megan and thats when i went completely ballistic over her...in a not lesbo kinda way :p


  8. yeah polls with adriana in em usually has a very obvious outcome...but then again its nice to see how some people like tantrum give a very good and substantive debate...but theres never going to be any justice with adriana in these polls so i guess too bad for those who tries to put any sense into die hard adriana fans...it'll never work :p ...dont get me wrong i do think she's a very gorgeous woman but i think she doesnt deserve to win all the time because most of the time its just based on her popularity in this site...my vote would go to ana...coz i feel adriana is over rated... hehe ....:p i guess its fair since no matter what adri would end up winning :p


  9. i feel adriana looks more caribbean than any of her other blood....she looks so much like an african in certain pictures too....but she does look kinda mexican or something in other pictures...but i totally dont see any japanese looks in her!! btw plz do tell me who's the no 1 sexiest supermodel!!

  10. considering none of them except gisele has even acted in a big hollywood movie, i dont know how this is relevant....i'd say gisele would not be able to move on from the sexy supermodel roles...but i can see adriana and alesandra make it in south american soap operas...i dont know about ana but somehow i feel she might be able to make it in hollywood but good luck finding an actor that'd suit her height...well hollywood has their props...and yeah i feel karolina too might be able to make it big in hollywood...something like rebecca....so i'll put my money on ana and karolina eventhough they would probably not act...eva!!!

  11. omg FF i too got braces recently and i have the same gap between my front teeth...and i'm like this huge meagn fan, i told my sis i was gonna keep it :p but my dentist will kick my ass if i suggest that to her...i love the gap actually i feel abit like megan :p and since mines like the removable kind i'd usually just take it out and do sum lip poses like how meg works her lips.... :p only problem is the gap from where my teeth got extracted is still very huge so it looks awful apart from the small gap infront :(

  12. i want to know who you all think is the most sexiest VS model. not most beautiful or whatever. the one in your opinion could make you fantasise about her instantly when she walks down the runway wearing practically nothing (bra and undies only) <---applicable to straight men and crooked ladies :p as for un-straight man and straight ladies, i'm sure you all will still know how to judge a sexy women when she walks infront of you :p :p

    the choices are : adriana lima, gisele budchen, ana beatriz barros, alessandra ambrosio, heidi klum, tyra banks and isabeli fontana, karolina kurkova

    not just applicable to their runway work but everything victoria secret but not gisele's work in taxi yeah :p

    i picked gisele coz of her work in taxi :p nah i picked her coz i think she is def the most sexiest VS angel... even without trying so hard....its like she oozes sexiness....its like embedded!!

    oh, you guys already know how they look like right? well even if you dont they are everywhere in this site

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