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  1. Funnyfan, who's that girl on your avatar? I really want to know her name. It'll be nice if you reply me. Thanks

  2. Bunnyfan, who is that girl on your avatar? I really want to know her name. I'd be nice if you reply me. Thanks

  3. What part of the country do you live in, EF? I'm from NYC, so I se a huge mix of people all the time, including a lot of latinos and mexicans. Also, I very much doubt Megan speaks latin.She might speak spanish, but unless she haas secret plans to become a catholic nun, I doubt latin would have much use for her. I actually think she looks very much of Mexican descent at times. For example, look at this pic. She's got a relatively spread out nose and squared chin when she's facing the camera head on. She looks a bit like Salma Hayek here (not that Salma Hayek is THE way Mexican women look, but there are facial similarities.) It's not always obviously, but you can see it at some camera angles.
  4. D'oh, you're right! I also forgot to put up the Fitness cover from 2001... right on that now.
  5. Hey... silly little question for Megan fans here! What is your favorite/least favorite magazine cover, anyway? My personal favorite is her Mexican Elle cover. She looks so cool and beachy on the cover, as though she's having a ton of fun shooting it! I like the expression on her face... allllmost a smile but noooot quite... It's an extremely interesting and hard to read look! My least favorite has to be the Italian (?) Elle cover-- same magazine, different country. Her body looks amazing on the cover (better, actually, than on the Mexcian Elle cover) but her face looks so lifeless and blank there. I also don't like the goofy way her hair is arranged on that one. I like the other pic of her from the same set (aka, in Hawaii, wearing a blue bikini) much better-- they should have set that one up as the cover! (PS-- all the covers are taken from MeganEwing.net, of course!)
  6. a month ago ?? i thought those pictures were from easter .. anyway what is it of ? You're right, my time frame is obviously way off! Yes, Easter, about a month before THAT, sorreh no problem .. did she say what its of?? Could be the name of her son... she'll probably keep it covered up from us then.
  7. Whoa, I'm starting to speculate already! And I'll email you right now. Dirrty, I have to recheck the pics to see that tatoo too!
  8. Yeah, if you look at this pic of her below (in the white and red shirt, taken when she was maybe 16?) her body doesn't seem to have changed much. Um... except for the fact that she did seem to get a little bustier over the years! Trimalynn, thanks for all the wonderful updates to the site! I was especially excited to see the nw pics Megan gave you up-- she looks adorable! I like the pinata one best! I hope Megan and her family friend supply you with many more pics to come... I'm especially hoping for more candids and older modeling assignments. I'm glad you liked the caps, btw! If you want, I can also put up more screencaps from the Guess 2002 Spring Fashion show as well... the ones from Megan doing runway. Also, did you disable MeganEwing.net's message board? Is this going to be permanent for the future? Too bad... I'll miss some of the great people who posted there... I hope they eventually find their way to Bellazon!
  9. Last part of the screencaps. Thanks again to dirrty for finding this vid in the first place! I can't stop staring at the first cap. What the heck was going on in that part of the video...?! And, uh, having to make out with people you barel;y know (even if he did go out with Isabeli Fontana) doesn't sound very... hygenic. Man, now I think I know why megan is reluclant to go back to modeling!
  10. 3 out of 4 parts. Wow does MEgan look so pretty in the ones where she's wearing a pink outfit! Surprising, at least to me, because I didn't actually like the pictures of that that got into the Guess catalogs/journals...
  11. 2nd load of 4 parts. The first one here haas to be my favorite screen cap of Megan of ALL TIME! If anyone tries to rip of your work again, Trimalynn, you can send them that cap to tell them to BACK OFF!!!
  12. Whoops, I just realized that everything I just said, Trimalynn already said better. That'll teach me to not read the page before! Also, I finally discovered the wonders of "Print Screen" and can now make caps after all! I made 20 altogether... this vid was so crystal clear and chock full of Megan moments, compared to the other one! Though one thing... am I the onkly one who can't see the end of the video?
  13. There are a few recent pics (from 2005, at least...) up at MeganEwing.net's personal section. But for all the other questions, you're best off shooting a private email to Trimalynn, the webmistress of MeganEwing.net. Megan definitely has a son-- he's all over the pics she gave to Meganewing.net! But she does seem to be a very private person... she's not even releasing his name to the public.
  14. Excellent catch! I've never seen this part of the video before... she looks gorgeous. The only problem is that I can't seem to do screencaps now.. Can anyone put a few of them up for me, please?
  15. I think he's simply trying to say Megan quit modeling because she had a boy... but I don't think that's the real reason. For one thing, Megan actually did model aftershe had her son... mostly for catalogs in Europe and the US and for a few magazine layouts. As for why she's not modeling now... she has talked about going back to school and Trimalynn did mention that someone in her family had died recently. I'm still not sure now if Megan will go back to work eventually or just quit altogether. I hope she has a wonderful life whatever she decides to do.
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