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Bride fan

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Posts posted by Bride fan

  1. 4 hours ago, parisienne said:

    It's mostly the way of looking at the camera. Unfortunately it's not Clotilde. image.png.7032f4ae000d740c63f8930538d574cd.png

    Do you mean the model I posted?  I know she's not Clotilde Christian Colby.  I was referring to the model in the Ralph Lauren Tuxedo perfume ad.  SHE looks a lot (exactly?) like my mystery model.  I have dozens of images of her and know that gorgeous face well.  It's been haunting me since I first saw her modelling in the early 90's in a bridal magazine. 

    Thanks for your input.  I've been thinking of offering a Starbucks gift coupon for successful ID of this model.  The lady who runs the Tumblr blog 'DozyDawn' took a stab at it last year, using some facial recognition service she subscribes too but it drew a blank.


  2. 9 hours ago, missparker7 said:

    Ralph Lauren TUXEDO perfume advertisement - MADAME Germany November 1982


    She looks a lot like the model I've been trying to ID for years.  The lady in question modelled only for Demetrios bridal around 1990 plus a lingerie magazine from the time...

    berger 1992-2.jpg Model 01.jpg
  3. 2 hours ago, Minerva13 said:

    I store the rarest scans on my computer, of course I also delete most of them because... It's impossible to store it all. :yes:

    I follow the 'data hoarders' sub Reddit on Reddit and they have some excellent guides to archiving stuff. 
    I'll make a thread on BlueAcadia's new site regarding archiving for the cheapskate.

  4. 26 minutes ago, missparker7 said:

    I wonder why these sellers doesn´t reduce the price. What they´re waiting for?:idk:

    Greed...good old fashioned greed.  Probably a bit of pig-headedness too.  A person will see a magazine being offered for say $180 and thinks, "That's what it's 'going for.'"

    It's not 'going for' that much, it's just what someone is asking.  They don't follow it and see what it sells for, if it sells at all.  They get it in their head that this is what it's worth and that figure sticks.  Every month or two the seller will drop the price a few bucks but of course it makes no difference.  I mentioned this to Ebay but of course they won't listen to me, while in the same breath they complain that sales are waaaaay down.  They need to bring back listing fees.  I also watch car parts for my vintage car and see the same problem.  The smart sellers listing for low prices, get a bunch of people into a bidding war and wind up selling while the greedy so-n-so's watch their items sit there for months. 

  5. 7 hours ago, missparker7 said:

    But some prices being wished to get by some sellers for old magazines are just ridiculous I think.:beating:

    I've been watching several older bridal mags on Ebay for over two years and the greedy so-n-so wants 200 bucks for them!  In almost every case I'll see the same mag come up for a reasonable price and I jump on it.  I'll take a screenshot of the price I paid and send it to the greedy seller.

  6. 2 hours ago, BlueAcadia said:

    uuuugh. 😭 I'm guessing Bellazon had to purge data because it's too full. My website is on the same server as Bellazon- I can see behind the curtain how it costs more money to host it as you go up in data storage levels. Instead of having it crash- you can pay more money every year and bump up data storage levels (thousands of dollars) ...if not, you can purge data to return to your proper data level. omg.... I really hope that isn't what it is. I couldn't even find a web server in existence that can store more data than Invision.... that's why I chose it, it can actually go to infinity storage (never loose data), but that level is crazy expensive. 😵

    It would be nice if Bellazon WOULD TELL US WHEN IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN so that folks can download or backup their stuff.

    I keep saying that we need a 'fire escape' for the gang here.  Just a place we can regroup if it goes down for good.  Discord would be a good choice.


  7. 3 hours ago, danny-19 said:

    @Jim T @parisienne @BlueAcadia @Minerva13 thank you so much, you are awesome :clap::heart:

    parisienne, I can't find Lisa Barbuscia's topic too! :ohmy: Oh no, it was so large! :(
    And yes, all photos from my post are scans from Marie Claire UK November 1990, I teared out every page with my own hands :laugh:

    When I scan, I use a hand planer to *carefully* remove the spine and glue, usually a mm or two.  This gives you the whole page.  Message me if you want pictures and all the gory details.

  8. ...aaaand we're back.  That was two days this time?
    I'm thinking of making a Discord server as a backup for here.
    It would be a 'fire escape' or common meeting point if/when this place goes down again, maybe for good next time.

  9. 17 hours ago, Minerva13 said:

    ...Men are such fools.

    Hey!   Many of us are kind, gentle, sensitive, loving, compassionate, supportive, understanding and just plain good...no make that great folks. 
    I help my wife (of 42 years) with her gardens and her huge (and still growing) stamp collection even though I consider both hobbies to be stupid and senseless.

  10. 8 minutes ago, parisienne said:

    As far as I'm concerned, you are entirely forgiven. Sooner or later we will have to make a "Vintage model and vintage car " topic.Of course without allowing photos of fiberglass fakes mounted on truck chassis. image.png.19319f66df662685fd078b52c95fa1a0.png image.gif.f9ae1774527493de5dbfeb8c2719b7ab.gif

    I have plenty of those pictures already.  Every time I see a Jaguar, especially an E-Type, in a fashion ad, I stash it away.  Jags where used a lot since they where seen as 'sexy' and fashionable...just like me....

    ..ok, stop laughing.....no really, you can stop laughing now.

  11. 3 hours ago, Jim T said:

    Indeed, even the top models in the 1970s-1980s were paid scale for magazine covers -- the covers primarily padded their portfolio book and enabled their agencies to leverage a higher hourly fee quote.  But catalogs work provided steady, good money even for big-name models such as Carol Alt, Joan Severance, etc.


    And Catalogs work could be counted on a better working environment in the 1970s-1980s, than say, the more glamorous runway world:

    * Less pressure; preparation chaos.

    * Some were appalled at the quantity of cocaine, smoking, late-night partying, diet pills (and pressure to use) among fellow models, designers, photographers, and others in the industry.

    * Sexual harassment was commonplace.


    It's nice when you read about a model that eventually got a regular (more normal?) career, got married, had kids, STAYED married (and happily so), and generally had a happy and satisfying life.  It wasn't all bad I guess.

  12. 17 hours ago, parisienne said:

    Amanda is like Andrea Zuba, everywhere you look you find photos of her. Some models work a lot even without becoming very famous. image.png.094bf1588c2cd8e9752e5569451fba33.png

    I'm old enough that I fondly remember the mail order catalogues from the 70's and 80's.  I'd see the same women over the span of a decade or more and now wonder who they where.  It may not have been glamorous work but it was certainly steady.

  13. 17 hours ago, Minerva13 said:

    me too :hmm:

    I'm not so sure that the new owner is opening or closing it on purpose.  The last 'open' seemed to be a back door or something mistakenly left unlinked(?).
    I get the feeling that the new owner has no idea what to do with the place and is just stumbling along.  It could be a fan who bought it but is now overwhelmed with the task of making it available, or someone with dreams of making big money by offering membership and has either lost interest or is also overwhelmed.

  14. ....aaand a happy New Years to all of you here!  Thanks for all the model ID's, my repository is growing and I'll be putting these on my Tumblr blog and eventually my Flickr account along with my bridal magazine scans.
    I've been exploring AI and as soon as I finished the present batch of scans, I'll be loading up Stable diffusion and want to play with some of my scans.  I have so many gorgeous gowns and intend to swap faces for models I find more attractive. 

  15. *sigh*   I'm still seeing lots (lots and LOTS) of various sellers with many different titles, none of which have anything to do with fashion models.  Most of the books are about business management.

    You NEED to supply your seller ID number,  THAT will uniquely identify you.  How about a screenshot of one of your auctions?

  16. 1 hour ago, parisienne said:

    :hug:Dear,we have Marlowe's site again to help us...in the last few days it works,at least as far as "search" is concerned.

    All I get is a log-in page.  I don't remember ever having to use a password and I don't have one stored in any of my browsers.  This must be new?  I've been hoping that it comes back online, even if it requires a membership.

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